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OKX Names Guilherme Sacamone General Manager for Brazil

SÃO PAULO, Brazil, November 7, 2023 -- OKX, a global-leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company, today announced the appointment of Guilherme Sacamone as General Manager for Brazil, based in São Paulo.

In his new role, Guilherme will spearhead OKX Brazil's business development, localization, and growth of the company's user base and market share in Brazil.

OKX President Hong Fang said: “We are excited to appoint Guilherme as OKX's General Manager in Brazil. Guilherme is a pioneering leader in crypto adoption with deep knowledge of the Brazilian market, which positions him well to bridge traditional finance, tech and policy to strengthen our position as a leading platform.”

OKX Brazil General Manager Guilherme Sacamone said: “I am honored to lead OKX in Brazil at this exciting inflection point for crypto. I look forward to partnering with our experienced team and regulators, clients and the community to unlock the potential of crypto and Web3 in Brazil."

With close to a decade of experience in banking and crypto, Guilherme has successfully led efforts that drove growth for emerging technology platforms. He joined OKX in 2023 as Country Manager for Brazil, overseeing operations, marketing, and regulatory matters. Before OKX, he held leadership roles at, Facebook and PicPay. In 2023, OKX incorporated an entity in Brazil to offer services for crypto assets to customers across Brazil. The company plans continued growth in the region.

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