Today we're launching our own Crypto Rewind 2024, where people who use our apps as well as on-chain wallet users can view a customized report of their trading habits this year and see which of over 20 distinct trading personas fits them best.

We've identified many distinct trading personas within our community, from methodical evening traders ("Moonwalkers") and "Meme Hunters" to technical analysis wizards ("Chartmasters"). Many OKX users were "Diamond Hands" who held steadily despite volatility, "Chart Wizards" who took advantage of subtle market patterns, or "Multi-Chain Explorers" who used our Wallet to navigate across more than 100 blockchains with ease.
Anyone can visit these links via web or OKX App to generate their reports, using data from their trading journeys across both CeFi and DeFi.
This year, we've also made it possible for users of many onchain wallets (including MetaMask, Phantom, Unisat, Xverse and WalletConnect) to connect and view our analysis of their DEX and onchain transaction activity. Beyond OKX Wallet users, we welcome EVM-compatible wallets, Bitcoin or Solana wallets including MetaMask, Phantom, Unisat, Xverse, and WalletConnect.
It's easier than ever to share the OKX Crypto Rewind experience with others. Anyone can instantly share their personalized report within their communities—whether they want to engage with friends, trading groups, or larger online forums. It’s a great way to showcase trading journeys and insights with ease.
People who generate a report also receive a free digital collectible marking their 2024 journey - a unique snapshot for their personal collection.
As a new year begins, we invite our community, including onchain wallet users, to see what their 2024 trading journey reveals about them - and what opportunities may await in 2025.
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