Prezzo di Filecoin

Variazione di prezzo nelle ultime 24 ore
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Informazioni sul mercato di Filecoin

Capitalizzazione di mercato
La capitalizzazione di mercato viene calcolata moltiplicando l'offerta circolante di una criptovaluta per il suo ultimo prezzo.
Capitalizzazione di mercato = Offerta circolante x Ultimo prezzo
Offerta circolante
L'importo totale di una criptovaluta disponibile pubblicamente sul mercato.
Grado di capitalizzazione di mercato
Il ranking di una criptovaluta in termini di valore della capitalizzazione di mercato.
Massimo storico
Il prezzo massimo di una criptovaluta raggiunto nella sua cronologia di trading.
Minimo storico
Il prezzo minimo di una criptovaluta raggiunto nella sua cronologia di trading.
Capitalizzazione di mercato
Offerta circolante
645.967.255 FIL
32,96% di
1.959.592.841 FIL
Grado di capitalizzazione di mercato
Ultimo audit: 1 giu 2020
Massimo ultime 24 ore
Minimo ultime 24 ore
Massimo storico
-98,82% (-$235,00)
Ultimo aggiornamento: 1 apr 2021
Minimo storico
+21,02% (+$0,49000)
Ultimo aggiornamento: 17 dic 2022

Calcolatore FIL


Il prezzo oggi dei Filecoin in USD

Il prezzo attuale di Filecoin è $2,8210. Nelle ultime 24 ore, Filecoin è diminuito di -6,56%. Al momento ha un'offerta circolante di 645.967.255 FIL e un'offerta massima di 1.959.592.841 FIL, assegnando una capitalizzazione di mercato completamente diluita di $1,82B. Al momento, la criptovaluta Filecoin detiene la posizione 39 nei ranking di capitalizzazione di mercato. Il prezzo Filecoin/USD è aggiornato in tempo reale.
7 giorni
30 giorni
3 mesi

Informazioni su Filecoin (FIL)

Il rating fornito è un rating aggregato raccolto da OKX dalle fonti date e ha scopo puramente informativo. OKX non garantisce la qualità o la precisione dei rating. Non è destinato a fornire (i) consigli o raccomandazioni in materia di investimenti; (ii) un'offerta o una sollecitazione all'acquisto, alla vendita o al possesso di asset digitali; oppure (iii) consigli di natura finanziaria, contabile, legale o fiscale. Gli asset digitali, tra cui stablecoin e NFT, comportano un elevato livello di rischio, sono soggetti a fluttuazioni estreme e possono perdere tutto il loro valore. Il prezzo e le prestazioni degli asset digitali non sono garantiti e potrebbero variare senza preavviso. I tuoi asset digitali non sono coperti da garanzia contro potenziali perdite. I rendimenti storici non rappresentano un'indicazione di rendimenti futuri. OKX non garantisce alcun rimborso di capitale o interessi. OKX non garantisce il rimborso del capitale o dell'interesse. Valuta attentamente se fare trading o mantenere asset digitali è idoneo per te alla luce delle tue condizioni finanziarie. Consulta il tuo professionista legale/fiscale/di investimenti in caso di domande sulle tue circostanze specifiche.
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  • Block explorer
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    Informazioni sui siti Web di terze parti
    Utilizzando il sito Web di terze parti ("TPW"), accetti che qualsiasi utilizzo del TPW sarà soggetto e regolato dai termini del sito TPW. Salvo espressa indicazione scritta, OKX e le sue affiliate ("OKX") non sono in alcun modo associati al proprietario o all'operatore del TPW. Accetti che OKX non sia responsabile per eventuali perdite, danni e qualsiasi altra conseguenza derivante dall'utilizzo del TPW. Tieni presente che l'utilizzo di un TPW potrebbe comportare una perdita o una riduzione dei tuoi asset.

Filecoin, founded in 2014, is a peer-to-peer (P2P), open-source data storage network that uses blockchain technology to store files reliably and verifiably. Anyone needing to store their files or with storage space to spare can join and participate in the network. Consider it a cold storage, but instead of being owned by a single entity such as Google or Amazon, it is owned by everyone.

Data storage on Filecoin is entirely private; it is fully encrypted and secured, meaning no one, not even your storage provider, can read it. Additionally, Filecoin users do not need to worry about storage space because the network has a capacity of 2.5 billion gigabytes, 40 times the size of the internet.

Filecoin employs Proof of Replication (PoRep) and Proof of Spacetime (PoSt) rather than Proof of Stake (PoS). According to PoRep, miners will be compensated with FIL tokens if they can demonstrate that they received the cryptographically encoded data from the client. On the other hand, PoSt ensures that the data is kept for the time period specified in the client's contract.

Users typically pay with FIL tokens to store their files with storage providers. The price of storage on Filecoin is determined by the network's demand and supply for storage, and anyone can participate. Users are not limited to a small and defined set of storage providers but can store their files with any storage provider offering any deal available on the network. This enables users to store and access their files at extremely low prices.

Filecoin's native cryptocurrency, FIL, serves as a payment medium. Users pay FIL for storage services, and storage providers earn FIL units for staking storage space. The Filecoin blockchain immutably records FIL transactions as well as storage proofs generated by storage providers.

FIL price and tokenomics

Filecoin's ICO was one of the biggest successes in the blockchain industry, raising a total of $205.8 million. With an initial funding goal of $40 million, its initial token price was pegged at $5 when introduced into the market.

It has a maximum supply of 2 billion tokens with a market capitalization of $1.7 billion. In the fall of 2020, Filecoin organized Space Race to increase the network's data capacity by 400 pebibytes. 400 miners participated in the testnet phase and were awarded 3.5 million FIL tokens.

Filecoin is a deflationary asset with a certain amount of FIL burned with every transaction. The fees burned are sent to an irrevocable burn address to compensate for the network expenditure of resources. The idea is based on Ethereum's EIP1559.

About the founders

Juan Benet co-founded Filecoin in 2014 with the California-based company Protocol Labs, of which he is the CEO.

Benet is a Stanford University graduate with a master's degree in computer science. Before Filecoin, he was the co-founder and CTO of Loki Studios, a mobile gaming studio focused on developing location-aware games. He also founded Athena Academy, a non-profit private school in Palo Alto devoted to educating students with dyslexia.

According to official documents, Filecoin secured $205.8 million during one of the industry's largest funding rounds. The project even received backing from venture capitalists Sequoia and Andreessen Horowitz.

Filecoin highlights

First, the popular browser Brave added Filecoin to their wallet, exposing Filecoin to over 56 million Brave users. This integration helped in creating awareness among Brave users about Filecoin.

Second, instead of temporary file storage, Filecoin partnered with Lighthouse to offer their users permanent file storage within the Filecoin ecosystem, coming at a one-time cost. On Filecoin, files are removed if clients stop paying storage fees, so offering permanent file storage is essential for the most important files or irrefutable information, such as NFTs.

Next, the Filecoin Foundation recently donated $10 million worth of Filecoins (50,000 FIL tokens) to the Internet Archive after its founder joined the Filecoin Foundations board of advisors. The donation is aimed at broadening the Internet Archive's reach to help more people across the globe educate themselves.

Finally, Filecoin had a v16 network upgrade, codenamed Skyr, and switched to using the Wasm-based Filecoin Virtual Machine to operate its basic functionality. This upgrade is the first step toward enabling user programmability on Filecoin and is the network's most significant change since its launch almost two years ago.

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Numero di post che menzionano un token nelle ultime 24 ore. Questo può aiutare a valutare il livello di interesse verso questo token.
Numero di persone che hanno pubblicato post su un token nelle ultime 24 ore. Un numero maggiore di collaboratori può suggerire prestazioni del token migliorate.
Somma del coinvolgimento online relativo ai social nelle ultime 24 ore, come Mi piace, commenti e repost. Livelli di coinvolgimento elevati possono indicare un forte interesse per un token.
Punteggio percentuale che riflette il sentiment del post nelle ultime 24 ore. Un punteggio percentuale elevato è correlato a un sentiment positivo e può indicare prestazioni di mercato migliorate.
Classifica del volume
Il volume riflette il volume successivo nelle ultime 24 ore. Un ranking con volume più elevato riflette la posizione favorita di un token rispetto ad altri token.
Nelle ultime 24 ore ci sono stati 819 nuovi post che parlavano di Filecoin, creati da 580 collaboratori, e l'engagement online totale ha raggiunto 561.473 interazioni sui social. Al momento il punteggio di sentiment per Filecoin è di 93%. Rispetto a tutte le altre criptovalute, al momento il volume di post per Filecoin si trova in 2867 posizione. Tieni d'occhio le modifiche alle metriche social, in quanto potrebbero indicare l'influenza di Filecoin.
Offerto da LunarCrush
Classifica del volume



Domande frequenti relative al prezzo di Filecoin

Come fare mining di FIL?
Nella rete Filecoin, esistono due tipi diversi di mining: stoccaggio e recupero. Nel mining di stoccaggio, gli utenti generano FIL archiviando dati per i clienti ed eseguendo prove crittografiche per verificare continuamente l'integrità dei dati e garantire che il miner non abbia alterato i dati. Nel mining di recupero, gli utenti acquisiscono FIL vincendo offerte e commissioni di mining per un file specifico, basate esclusivamente sul valore di mercato delle dimensioni del file.
Come posso iniziare a usare Filecoin?
Per iniziare a usare Filecoin, visita il nostro sito Web e cerca un fornitore di servizi di stoccaggio adatto alle tue esigenze. Devi sapere quale tipo di dati vuoi archiviare, per quanto tempo hai intenzione di conservarli e quanto vorresti pagare. Filfix, l'explorer di Filecoin, mostra prezzi, stabilità e una serie di altre statistiche. Puoi anche candidarti per diventare uno dei 4.000 fornitori di servizi di stoccaggio qui.
Dove posso acquistare FIL?

Puoi acquistare FIL dall'exchange di OKX. OKX offre le coppie di trading FIL/USDT, FIL/USDC, FIL/BTC e FIL/ETH. In alternativa, puoi acquistare FIL direttamente con valute fiat o convertire le tue criptovalute in FIL.

Prima di iniziare a fare trading con OKX, devi creare un conto. Per acquistare FIL con la tua valuta fiat preferita, fai clic su "Acquista con carta" alla voce "Acquista criptovaluta" nella barra di navigazione in alto. Per fare trading di FIL/USDT, FIL/USDC, FIL/BTC o FIL/ETH, fai clic su "Trading di base" alla voce "Trading". Nella stessa scheda, fai clic su "Converti" per convertire le criptovalute in FIL.

In alternativa, visita il nostro nuovo Calcolatore per criptovalute di OKX. Seleziona FIL e la valuta fiat desiderata da convertire per visualizzare il prezzo di conversione stimato in tempo reale.

A quanto corrisponde 1 Filecoin oggi?
Al momento, un Filecoin vale $2,8210. Per risposte e informazioni approfondite sull'azione sui prezzi di Filecoin, sei nel posto giusto. Esplora i grafici Filecoin più recenti e fai trading in modo responsabile con OKX.
Che cosa sono le criptovalute?
Le criptovalute, ad esempio Filecoin, sono asset digitali che operano su un ledger pubblico chiamato blockchain. Scopri di più su monete e token offerti su OKX e sui loro diversi attributi, inclusi prezzi e grafici in tempo reale.
Quando è stata inventata la criptovaluta?
A seguito della crisi finanziaria del 2008, l'interesse nei confronti della finanza decentralizzata è cresciuto. Bitcoin ha offerto una nuova soluzione imponendosi come asset digitale sicuro su una rete decentralizzata. Da allora, sono stati creati anche molti altri token come Filecoin.
Il prezzo di Filecoin aumenterà oggi?
Dai un'occhiata alla nostra pagina di previsione sul prezzo di Filecoin per prevedere i prezzi futuri e determinare i tuoi target di prezzo.

Informativa ESG

Le normative ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) per gli asset di criptovaluta hanno lo scopo di gestire il loro impatto ambientale (ad es., attività minerarie dispendiose in termini di energia), promuovere la trasparenza e garantire pratiche di governance etiche per allineare l'industria delle criptovalute ai più ampi obiettivi di sostenibilità e sociali. Queste normative incoraggiano la conformità agli standard che riducono i rischi e favoriscono la fiducia negli asset digitali.
Dettagli degli asset
OKcoin Europe LTD
Identificatore dell'entità legale pertinente
Nome dell'asset di criptovaluta
Meccanismo di consenso
Filecoin is present on the following networks: binance_smart_chain, filecoin, huobi. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) uses a hybrid consensus mechanism called Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA), which combines elements of Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) and Proof of Authority (PoA). This method ensures fast block times and low fees while maintaining a level of decentralization and security. Core Components 1. Validators (so-called “Cabinet Members”): Validators on BSC are responsible for producing new blocks, validating transactions, and maintaining the network’s security. To become a validator, an entity must stake a significant amount of BNB (Binance Coin). Validators are selected through staking and voting by token holders. There are 21 active validators at any given time, rotating to ensure decentralization and security. 2. Delegators: Token holders who do not wish to run validator nodes can delegate their BNB tokens to validators. This delegation helps validators increase their stake and improves their chances of being selected to produce blocks. Delegators earn a share of the rewards that validators receive, incentivizing broad participation in network security. 3. Candidates: Candidates are nodes that have staked the required amount of BNB and are in the pool waiting to become validators. They are essentially potential validators who are not currently active but can be elected to the validator set through community voting. Candidates play a crucial role in ensuring there is always a sufficient pool of nodes ready to take on validation tasks, thus maintaining network resilience and decentralization. Consensus Process 4. Validator Selection: Validators are chosen based on the amount of BNB staked and votes received from delegators. The more BNB staked and votes received, the higher the chance of being selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks. The selection process involves both the current validators and the pool of candidates, ensuring a dynamic and secure rotation of nodes. 5. Block Production: The selected validators take turns producing blocks in a PoA-like manner, ensuring that blocks are generated quickly and efficiently. Validators validate transactions, add them to new blocks, and broadcast these blocks to the network. 6. Transaction Finality: BSC achieves fast block times of around 3 seconds and quick transaction finality. This is achieved through the efficient PoSA mechanism that allows validators to rapidly reach consensus. Security and Economic Incentives 7. Staking: Validators are required to stake a substantial amount of BNB, which acts as collateral to ensure their honest behavior. This staked amount can be slashed if validators act maliciously. Staking incentivizes validators to act in the network's best interest to avoid losing their staked BNB. 8. Delegation and Rewards: Delegators earn rewards proportional to their stake in validators. This incentivizes them to choose reliable validators and participate in the network’s security. Validators and delegators share transaction fees as rewards, which provides continuous economic incentives to maintain network security and performance. 9. Transaction Fees: BSC employs low transaction fees, paid in BNB, making it cost-effective for users. These fees are collected by validators as part of their rewards, further incentivizing them to validate transactions accurately and efficiently. Filecoin’s consensus mechanism, Expected Consensus (EC), is designed to reward data storage providers based on the amount of storage they contribute. Core Components of Expected Consensus (EC): 1. Storage Power-Based Block Production: Probabilistic Block Selection: Block producers (miners) are chosen probabilistically based on their storage power, meaning providers with more storage capacity have higher chances of being selected to produce new blocks. 2. Proof of Replication (PoRep): Initial Data Verification: Miners provide cryptographic Proof of Replication to verify they are uniquely storing clients' data at the start of each storage contract. 3. Proof of Spacetime (PoSt): Ongoing Verification: Miners periodically submit Proof of Spacetime to confirm they continue to store data over the contract’s duration, maintaining data availability and integrity. 4. Chain Quality and Fork Choice: Chain Quality Rule: In cases of chain splits, the network follows the chain with the highest cumulative storage power, ensuring security by selecting the most robust chain. The Huobi Eco Chain (HECO) blockchain employs a Hybrid-Proof-of-Stake (HPoS) consensus mechanism, combining elements of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) to enhance transaction efficiency and scalability. Key Features of HECO's Consensus Mechanism: 1. Validator Selection: HECO supports up to 21 validators, selected based on their stake in the network. 2. Transaction Processing: Validators are responsible for processing transactions and adding blocks to the blockchain. 3. Transaction Finality: The consensus mechanism ensures quick finality, allowing for rapid confirmation of transactions. 4. Energy Efficiency: By utilizing PoS elements, HECO reduces energy consumption compared to traditional Proof-of-Work systems.
Meccanismi di incentivi e commissioni applicabili
Filecoin is present on the following networks: binance_smart_chain, filecoin, huobi. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) uses the Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) consensus mechanism to ensure network security and incentivize participation from validators and delegators. Incentive Mechanisms 1. Validators: Staking Rewards: Validators must stake a significant amount of BNB to participate in the consensus process. They earn rewards in the form of transaction fees and block rewards. Selection Process: Validators are selected based on the amount of BNB staked and the votes received from delegators. The more BNB staked and votes received, the higher the chances of being selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks. 2. Delegators: Delegated Staking: Token holders can delegate their BNB to validators. This delegation increases the validator's total stake and improves their chances of being selected to produce blocks. Shared Rewards: Delegators earn a portion of the rewards that validators receive. This incentivizes token holders to participate in the network’s security and decentralization by choosing reliable validators. 3. Candidates: Pool of Potential Validators: Candidates are nodes that have staked the required amount of BNB and are waiting to become active validators. They ensure that there is always a sufficient pool of nodes ready to take on validation tasks, maintaining network resilience. 4. Economic Security: Slashing: Validators can be penalized for malicious behavior or failure to perform their duties. Penalties include slashing a portion of their staked tokens, ensuring that validators act in the best interest of the network. Opportunity Cost: Staking requires validators and delegators to lock up their BNB tokens, providing an economic incentive to act honestly to avoid losing their staked assets. Fees on the Binance Smart Chain 5. Transaction Fees: Low Fees: BSC is known for its low transaction fees compared to other blockchain networks. These fees are paid in BNB and are essential for maintaining network operations and compensating validators. Dynamic Fee Structure: Transaction fees can vary based on network congestion and the complexity of the transactions. However, BSC ensures that fees remain significantly lower than those on the Ethereum mainnet. 6. Block Rewards: Incentivizing Validators: Validators earn block rewards in addition to transaction fees. These rewards are distributed to validators for their role in maintaining the network and processing transactions. 7. Cross-Chain Fees: Interoperability Costs: BSC supports cross-chain compatibility, allowing assets to be transferred between Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain. These cross-chain operations incur minimal fees, facilitating seamless asset transfers and improving user experience. 8. Smart Contract Fees: Deployment and Execution Costs: Deploying and interacting with smart contracts on BSC involves paying fees based on the computational resources required. These fees are also paid in BNB and are designed to be cost-effective, encouraging developers to build on the BSC platform. Filecoin incentivizes storage providers (miners) to maintain data integrity and make decentralized storage available through block rewards and storage fees. Incentive Mechanisms: 1. Block Rewards: Storage-Based Block Rewards: Block rewards in FIL (Filecoin’s native token) are given to storage providers selected to add new blocks, proportional to their storage power. These rewards incentivize providers to contribute more storage to the network, enhancing security and decentralized data availability. Reward Distribution: Providers with higher storage capacity receive rewards more frequently, creating a direct economic incentive to offer larger storage volumes. 2. Storage Fees: Client Payments: Clients pay storage providers (miners) in FIL tokens to store data, incentivizing providers to offer reliable storage. Market Pricing: Storage costs are determined by supply and demand, allowing competitive, flexible pricing based on network conditions. Retrieval Rewards: 3. Data Retrieval Payments: In addition to storage fees, miners can earn retrieval fees for providing data access to clients. These fees incentivize storage providers to make stored data readily accessible, enabling Filecoin to support efficient, decentralized data retrieval services. Dual Role: Some storage providers specialize as retrieval miners, focusing on providing quick access to frequently requested data. 4. Slashing and Penalties: PoSt Penalties: If a miner fails to provide Proof of Spacetime, they may face slashing penalties, losing a portion of their FIL collateral. This mechanism disincentivizes data tampering or deletion by holding providers accountable to their storage commitments. Client Refunds: In cases of missed proofs, clients may receive refunds or compensations, ensuring that the network maintains a high standard of data reliability and provider accountability. Applicable Fees: 1. Transaction Fees: Network Usage Costs: Filecoin charges transaction fees for standard network operations, paid in FIL. These fees help maintain network functionality and discourage spam by aligning costs with network resource usage. 2. Gas Fees: Computational Cost of Storage Proofs: Miners pay gas fees based on the computational resources required to submit PoRep and PoSt proofs. These fees are integral to the network’s operation, ensuring that participants contribute fairly to Filecoin’s resource demands. 3. Storage and Retrieval Fees: Client Storage Fees: Clients pay miners for data storage on a contract basis, and retrieval fees are paid when miners deliver data on request. These fees are tailored to the type and duration of storage services, providing flexibility in data pricing and availability. The Huobi Eco Chain (HECO) blockchain employs a Hybrid-Proof-of-Stake (HPoS) consensus mechanism, combining elements of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) to enhance transaction efficiency and scalability. Incentive Mechanism: 1. Validator Rewards: Validators are selected based on their stake in the network. They process transactions and add blocks to the blockchain. Validators receive rewards in the form of transaction fees for their role in maintaining the blockchain's integrity. 2. Staking Participation: Users can stake Huobi Token (HT) to become validators or delegate their tokens to existing validators. Staking helps secure the network and, in return, participants receive a portion of the transaction fees as rewards. Applicable Fees: 1. Transaction Fees (Gas Fees): Users pay gas fees in HT tokens to execute transactions and interact with smart contracts on the HECO network. These fees compensate validators for processing and validating transactions. 2. Smart Contract Execution Fees: Deploying and interacting with smart contracts incur additional fees, which are also paid in HT tokens. These fees cover the computational resources required to execute contract code.
Inizio del periodo di riferimento dell'informativa
Fine del periodo di riferimento dell'informativa
Report sull'energia
Utilizzo di energia
2409059.45397 (kWh/a)
Utilizzo di energia rinnovabile
17.405819053 (%)
Intensità energetica
0.00139 (kWh)
Metodologie e fonti di energia principali
To determine the proportion of renewable energy usage, the locations of the nodes are to be determined using public information sites, open-source crawlers and crawlers developed in-house. If no information is available on the geographic distribution of the nodes, reference networks are used which are comparable in terms of their incentivization structure and consensus mechanism. This geo-information is merged with public information from the European Environment Agency (EEA) and thus determined.
Metodologie e fonti di energia
The energy consumption of this asset is aggregated across multiple components: For the calculation of energy consumptions, the so called “bottom-up” approach is being used. The nodes are considered to be the central factor for the energy consumption of the network. These assumptions are made on the basis of empirical findings through the use of public information sites, open-source crawlers and crawlers developed in-house. The main determinants for estimating the hardware used within the network are the requirements for operating the client software. The energy consumption of the hardware devices was measured in certified test laboratories. When calculating the energy consumption, we used - if available - the Functionally Fungible Group Digital Token Identifier (FFG DTI) to determine all implementations of the asset of question in scope and we update the mappings regulary, based on data of the Digital Token Identifier Foundation. To determine the energy consumption of a token, the energy consumption of the network(s) binance_smart_chain, huobi is calculated first. Based on the crypto asset's gas consumption per network, the share of the total consumption of the respective network that is assigned to this asset is defined. When calculating the energy consumption, we used - if available - the Functionally Fungible Group Digital Token Identifier (FFG DTI) to determine all implementations of the asset of question in scope and we update the mappings regulary, based on data of the Digital Token Identifier Foundation.
Report sulle emissioni
Emissioni DLT GHG Scope 1 - Controllato
0.00000 (tCO2e/a)
Emissioni DLT GHG Scope 2 - Acquistato
801.76907 (tCO2e/a)
Intensità GHG
0.00046 (kgCO2e)
Metodologie e fonti GHG principali
To determine the GHG Emissions, the locations of the nodes are to be determined using public information sites, open-source crawlers and crawlers developed in-house. If no information is available on the geographic distribution of the nodes, reference networks are used which are comparable in terms of their incentivization structure and consensus mechanism. This geo-information is merged with public information from the European Environment Agency (EEA) and thus determined.
I contenuti social forniti in questa pagina ("Contenuti"), inclusi, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, tweet e statistiche forniti da LunarCrush, provengono da terze parti e vengono forniti "così come sono" esclusivamente a scopo informativo. OKX non garantisce la qualità o la precisione dei Contenuti e i Contenuti non rappresentano il punto di vista di OKX. Non è destinato a fornire (i) consigli o raccomandazioni in materia di investimenti; (ii) un'offerta o una sollecitazione all'acquisto, alla vendita o al possesso di asset digitali; oppure (iii) consigli di natura finanziaria, contabile, legale o fiscale. Gli asset digitali, tra cui stablecoin e NFT, comportano un elevato livello di rischio, sono soggetti a fluttuazioni estreme. Il prezzo e le prestazioni degli asset digitali non sono garantiti e potrebbero variare senza preavviso. OKX non fornisce raccomandazioni su investimenti o asset. Valuta attentamente se fare trading o mantenere asset digitali è idoneo per te alla luce delle tue condizioni finanziarie. Consulta il tuo professionista legale/fiscale/di investimenti in caso di domande sulle tue circostanze specifiche. Per ulteriori dettagli, fai riferimento ai nostri Termini di servizio e all'Avviso di rischio. Utilizzando il sito web di terze parti ("TPW"), accetti che qualsiasi utilizzo del TPW sarà soggetto alle condizioni del TPW e disciplinato dalle stesse. Se non espressamente dichiarato per iscritto, OKX e i suoi affiliati ("OKX") non sono associati in alcun modo al proprietario o all'operatore del TPW. Accetti che OKX non è responsabile di eventuali perdite, danni e qualsiasi altra conseguenza derivanti dall'utilizzo del TPW. Tieni presente che l'uso di un TPW potrebbe comportare una perdita o una diminuzione dei tuoi asset. Il prodotto potrebbe non essere disponibile in tutte le giurisdizioni.
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Calcolatore FIL