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OKX to be Diamond Sponsor of Foreign Trade University's 'FTU's Day 2023' in Vietnam, Offers Free-to-Mint Collectable NFT

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, October 5, 2023 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, today announced that it is the Diamond Sponsor of 'FTU's Day 2023' by Foreign Trade University (FTU), a leading business school in Vietnam. The event will take place on October 6 from 08:00 to 22:00 (GMT+7) at FTU's Ho Chi Minh City campus, celebrating the 63rd anniversary of the university's founding.

OKX will also make available a digital collectible called "I love FTU’S DAY 2023." This digital collectible is built on the OKT Chain and can be minted for free by FTU students, alumni, staff and faculty members. The minting period will be limited to 30 days, starting from October 1 and ending on October 31.

FTU's Day 2023 is an opportunity for OKX to engage with the higher education community at one of the most prestigious universities in Vietnam on the topics of Web3 and digital assets.FTU's Day 2023 will feature activities to provide an opportunity for existing and new students, as well as alumni, to come together and celebrate the spirit and achievements of FTU:

  • 08:00 to 11:00 (GMT+7): Opening ceremony

  • 11:00 to 13:50 (GMT+7): Dancing competition

  • 12:15 to 12:45 (GMT+7): Flashmob and cheerleading

  • 11:30 to 16:00 (GMT+7): Event attendees can visit booths presented by student societies and FTU's Day 2023 sponsors, including OKX

  • 18:00 to 22:00 (GMT+7): Singing gala featuring performances from local artists

Event attendees who visit OKX's booth, located prominently next to the main lecture hall within the FTU campus, will have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the digital asset space and interact with representatives from the OKX Local Markets and Web3 teams. Additionally, attendees will have a chance to receive OKX-branded swag items, such as caps and t-shirts, by downloading the OKX App, minting the "I love FTU’S DAY 2023" digital collectible and participating in a series of mini games at OKX's booth.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "By sponsoring FTU's Day 2023, our goal is to engage with Vietnam's higher education community and foster the development of students and the digital asset ecosystem in Vietnam. We're excited to work with FTU to educate students, alumni and staff through innovative technology, and look forward to an educational and insightful FTU's Day 2023."

OKX's sponsorship of FTU's Day 2023 demonstrates its commitment to innovation and its shared values with FTU in promoting education. OKX also recently partnered with Neo, a leading open-source blockchain platform, to co-host the '2023 Neo APAC Hackathon' in six cities across the Asia Pacific region, including Ho Chi Minh City on August 12-13. This partnership aims to promote blockchain innovation and education among the developer community.

Over 7,000 new and existing students, alumni and staff are expected to attend this year's FTU's Day. To learn more about the event, click here.

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Este conteúdo é fornecido apenas para fins informativos e pode abordar produtos não disponíveis em sua região. O conteúdo não se destina a fornecer (i) consultoria de investimento ou recomendação de investimento; (ii) uma oferta ou solicitação para comprar, vender ou manter ativos digitais, ou (iii) consultoria financeira, contábil, jurídica ou fiscal. Os holdings de ativos digitais, incluindo stablecoins e NFTs, envolvem um alto grau de risco e podem flutuar muito. Você deve considerar cuidadosamente se negociar ou manter ativos digitais é adequado para você, tendo em conta sua condição financeira. Consulte um profissional jurídico/fiscal/de investimentos para tirar dúvidas sobre suas circunstâncias específicas. As informações (incluindo dados de mercado e informações estatísticas, se houver) que aparecem nesta postagem são apenas para informação geral. Embora todo o cuidado razoável tenha sido tomado na preparação destes dados e gráficos, nenhuma responsabilidade ou obrigação será assumida por quaisquer erros de fatos ou omissões aqui expressos. Tanto a OKX Web3 Wallet quanto a OKX NFT Marketplace estão sujeitas a termos de serviço específicos disponíveis em
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