- Block hash:0x9c0db9fdfc9b09ade3032f2458694c18498fce85368df1c6862faf418cb1bd63
- Confirmed:8,464,031
- Time:15/11/2021، 20:16:29(3 years 4 months ago)
- Txns:This block contains 496 txns and 206 internal txns and 346 token transfers and 10 NFT transfers
- Withdrawal txn:0 withdrawal transaction(s)
- Block rewards:ETH2.848884085424905(ETH2+ETH3.2260245207473743+0ETH-)ETH2.3771404353224694
- Difficulty:34,482,769,188,454,295,281,892
- Block size:bytes137,031
- Gas used:30,020,562(99.97%)100.14% Gas target
- Gas limit:30,029,239
- Avg. Gas price:ETH (0.000000107460497266Gwei)107.46049726
- Base fee per Gas:ETH (0.000000079183741974Gwei)79.18374197
- Burned fee:🔥ETH2.3771404353224694
- Additional data: