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What is a Trail Order in Spot Trading?

trail order

Trail orders are a type of trading strategy that allow traders to set a specific plan for executing trades in the market. The orders are triggered when the market reaches a pre-defined price level, which is based on the trader's callback rate and the current market price. In this article, we will take a closer look at trail orders, how they work, and how they can be used to maximize profits while minimizing risks.

What are Trail Orders?

Trail orders are a type of advanced order that allows traders to set a strategy for significant market swings. The order is triggered when the last price reaches a maximum or minimum market price after the trail order is submitted. This trigger is based on the user's callback rate, which is a percentage set by the trader that determines the minimum amount of market movement required for the order to be executed.

When the trail order is triggered, the system will automatically place an order according to the trader's actual balance. If the trader's account balance is lower than the order amount, the system will adjust the order accordingly. However, if the trader's account balance is lower than the minimum trading amount, the order cannot be placed.

Using Trail Orders in Trading

One of the main benefits of using trail orders is that traders can set a specific plan for executing trades in the market. For example, a trader might believe that the overall market trend remains bearish but the price of an asset will rebound later. In this case, the trader can place a trail order to buy the asset when the market rebounding rate exceeds the pre-set callback rate and the market price exceeds a predefined trigger price.

Assuming the market swings in a particular way, the trail order would only be sent if two conditions are met:

  • The market lowest price is less than or equal to the trigger price
  • The market rebound is greater than or equal to the callback rate

In this example, if the market price fell from $19,000 to $17,800 and rebounded back to $17,999, the trail order would not be sent. This is because the market rebound rate of 1.11% is greater than the user-defined callback rate of 1%, but the market price of $17,999 is less than the user-defined trigger price of $18,000.

Benefits of Using Trail Orders

Automated Trading: Trail orders allow traders to automate their trading strategies, which can help to eliminate the emotion and bias that often accompany manual trading decisions.

Reduced Risk: By setting a specific plan for executing trades, trail orders can help traders to minimize their risks. For example, a trader might set a callback rate that requires a significant market movement before a trade is executed, reducing the chances of a loss.

Increased Flexibility: Trail orders allow traders to set their own trigger conditions, giving them greater control over their trades. This increased flexibility can help traders to maximize their profits while minimizing their risks.

Increased Profits: By automating their trading strategies, traders can take advantage of market movements more quickly and efficiently, which can lead to increased profits.


In conclusion, trail orders are a valuable tool for traders looking to automate their trading strategies and take advantage of market movements. By setting a specific plan for executing trades, traders can reduce their risks, increase their flexibility, and maximize their profits. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, trail orders are a valuable tool to have in your trading arsenal.

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