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The 'Unseen City Collectibles Quest'


  • This is our latest augmented reality (AR) campaign in partnership with Manchester City

  • People in three cities across the US will be able to participate between July 27 and August 3

  • Our last two NFT campaigns with Man City gained popularity and drove 117k mints across both drops

  • This is a limited edition campaign which we are making available exclusively via the OKX Wallet

An Augmented Reality-Powered Digital Treasure Hunt

We're excited to unveil our newest collaboration with Manchester City: the 'Unseen City Collectibles Quest'. This AR-powered digital treasure hunt invites fans in New York City, Orlando and Columbus to discover digital collectibles hidden in their own cities to mark the team's pre-season USA tour.

Between July 27 to August 3, any one in New York City, Orlando and Columbus can join the quest on unseencity.us. People who participate will be taken on an adventure to explore iconic landmarks in their city, where Manchester City-themed digital collectibles are waiting to be discovered. Those who find all four of their city's digital collectibles will have a chance to win amazing prizes like match tickets and merchandise.

For us, this collaboration is more than just a game—it celebrates community and technological advancement, bridging the gap between the digital world of Web3 and the places we call home. Whether 'Unseen City Collectibles Quest' takes you to bustling Times Square or the picturesque Lake Eola Park, we hope it creates memorable experiences.

We've been an official partner of Manchester City since 2022, and our strategy has always been to use Web3 technology to connect with fans of the team around the world. Our previous 'Unseen City' Shirt campaign delivered great results with 117k mints across both drops meaning we were able to introduce new people to our ecosystem as a direct result of the campaign.

There are so many ways in which we can help bring Manchester City closer to people who don't normally get the opportunity to see the team in person. That's why events like this pre-season tour are so valuable - and we're grateful that the club is keen to work with us to find new ways of engaging fans.

'Unseen City' is more than a campaign; it's an invitation to connect, explore and celebrate our shared love for football and technology. We believe in the power of community and the magic of discovery. So, join us, download the app and let's embark on this adventure together.

Disclaimer No purchase or payment necessary. Official rules, including entrant eligibility and campaign period, available at okx.com. This activity is not intended to provide (i) investment advice or an investment recommendation, (ii) an offer or solicitation to buy, sell or hold digital assets, or (iii) financial, accounting, legal or tax advice. Digital assets, including stablecoins and NFTs, are subject to market volatility, involve a high degree of risk, can lose value, and can even become worthless. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital assets is suitable for you in light of your financial condition and risk tolerance. Please consult your legal/ tax/ investment professional for questions about your specific circumstances. Not all products are offered in all regions.OKX is not registered with the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”). Additionally, NFTs are not regulated by the FCA, nor are they covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the Financial Ombudsman Service, or the FCA’s consumer protection regulations. The value of NFTs could go down as well as up. Past performance or experience does not necessarily provide a guidance for future performance. Capital gains tax may be payable on profits from their resale. They do not grant you any intellectual property rights in the underlying artwork or the right to display the artwork for commercial purposes or modify it.

Dieser Inhalt wird nur zu Informationszwecken bereitgestellt und kann Produkte betreffen, die in Ihrer Region nicht erhältlich sind. Er ist nicht dazu gedacht, (i) eine Investitionsberatung oder eine Investitionsempfehlung; (ii) ein Angebot oder eine Aufforderung zum Kauf, Verkauf oder Halten von Krypto/digitalen Vermögenswerten oder (iii) eine Finanz-, Buchhaltungs-, Rechts- oder Steuerberatung zu geben. Die Beteiligung an Krypto/digitalen Vermögenswerten, einschließlich Stablecoins und NFTs, ist mit einem hohen Risiko verbunden und kann stark schwanken. Sie sollten sorgfältig abwägen, ob der Handel oder das Halten von Krypto/digitalen Vermögenswerten angesichts Ihrer finanziellen Situation für Sie geeignet ist. Bitte konsultieren Sie Ihre:n Rechts-/Steuer-/Anlageberater:in, wenn Sie Fragen zu Ihrer spezifischen Situation haben. Die in diesem Beitrag enthaltenen Informationen (einschließlich etwaiger Marktdaten und statistischer Angaben) dienen nur zu allgemeinen Informationszwecken. Obwohl alle angemessene Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung dieser Daten und Grafiken aufgewendet wurde, wird keine Verantwortung oder Haftung für hierin enthaltene Tatsachenfehler oder Auslassungen übernommen. Sowohl OKX Web3 Wallet als auch OKX NFT Marketplace unterliegen separaten Nutzungsbedingungen unter www.okx.com.
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