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The great rewrite: how Web3 changes everything

Web3, the third step in Internet’s history, changes everything. Where Web1 gives people information and Web2 lets them interact, Web3 gives them control. It’s not just about money, but how we purchase, how we govern our digitized identities, how we learn, and so much more.

Web3 is not just an update to the system — it’s a total rewrite. Let’s find out how.

📚 How Web3 rewrites learning

Web3 is poised to shape education well beyond the sometimes transactional transfer of knowledge. Gamification brings a more engaging experience. Tokenization adds rewards and incentivizes to learn. And, decentralization promises deeper personalization of the learning experience. Read all about it here.

Web3's revolutionary impact on learning: A journey from Web1 to today

🛒 How Web3 rewrites e-commerce

Are today’s e-commerce giants under threat from Web3? Yes and no. The Internet’s next chapter will undoubtedly disrupt the status quo, but today’s leaders of the space are already embracing what’s to come — trustless peer-to-peer transactions, self-governance of data, and cryptocurrency payments. Take a closer look in our article below.

From static Web1 to dynamic Web3: The evolution of e-commerce

💸 How Web3 rewrites payments

The shift in the dynamics of payments might be one of Web3’s most noteworthy consequences. What does a payments ecosystem with no intermediaries look like? And what platforms and protocols will users adopt instead? Find out right here.

Web1 to Web3: The evolution of online payments

👁️ How Web3 rewrites virtual reality

The virtual world got a whole lot more compelling with the arrival of Web3. Now, users can be a part of creating virtual spaces rather than solely inhabiting them. And that’s just the beginning. The possibilities for gaming are greater than ever, while cryptocurrencies are the cornerstone of virtual trading. Intrigued? Read on at the link below.

Web1 to Web3: Charting virtual reality's journey

📩 How Web3 rewrites email

Email, being decades old by now, is practically a dinosaur compared to today’s hyper sophisticated tools. Yet email has endured because it still has a valuable role to play. That role wont fundamentally change in Web3, but the way we send, access, and store data will. Discover more in our next article.

Web1 to Web3: You've got (new generation) mail

💬 How Web3 rewrites social media

Social media’s journey from birth to now has been a fascinating one. Basic message boards gave way to feature-rich platforms defined by the creativity of their users. A pillar of social in Web3 is its decentralized nature; no longer will central authorities own user data and the brilliant content they produce. Read on for more.

Web1 to Web3: The rise of decentralized social media

🔎 How Web3 rewrites search engines

Where would we be without search today? Where the simple dependability of Ask Jeeves gave way to the multiple talents of Google, Web3 is turbocharging search to create a more open and equitable Internet for all. We go into much more depth in the article below.

How Web3 is turbocharging the search engine

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