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We Will be the First in CeFi to Launch an AI-Powered Automated Trading Platform

We're happy to announce the upcoming Q3 launch of 'Smart Trading,' an AI-powered platform that consolidates all of our automated trading products - including Copy Trading, Signal Trading and Trading Bots - into a single marketplace. We're the first major player in the CeFi space to offer a consolidated marketplace powered by AI and trade replication technology, catering to traders of all experience levels.

To mark the upcoming launch of 'Smart Trading,' we've launched our 'Smart Trading Super League' campaign featuring 150,000 USDT worth of prizes and exclusive, lasting rewards for lead traders. The campaign forms part of a year-long series of initiatives preceding and following the launch of 'Smart Trading.' Registration for the campaign begins on June 20 at 00:00 (UTC+8), while trading begins on July 1 at 00:00 (UTC+8) and ends on July 31 at 23:59 (UTC+8).

Our 'Smart Trading' marketplace, designed to help eliminate crypto entry barriers, will initially offer the following automated trading solutions:

  • Copy Trading, which allows customers to replicate the strategies of top-performing 'lead traders';

  • Signal Trading, a trading bot and marketplace offering automated strategies based on technical analysis, or 'signals,' that can suggest when to buy or sell crypto; and

  • Trading bots, which give customers the ability to use programmed algorithms to execute trades automatically based on specific trading strategies.

These solutions will be accompanied by a range of UX enhancements, including features that help customers discover products, traders or strategies based on macro market trends. Additionally, the 'Smart Trading' platform experience will continuously evolve to match each trader's level of expertise, as well as introduce new products and tools, like dual investment subscriptions where the parameters are set by AI, that are currently unavailable.

Eligible 'Smart Trading Super League' participants who trade via our copy trading products, as well as trading and signal bots, will be ranked according to their individual Profit and Loss (PnL) percentage growth, with the top-ranking lead trader taking home 10,000 USDT. In addition to accessing our exchange's market-leading 'Lead Trader Benefits Package,' which features increased commissions and other trading-related perks, lead traders will be invited to join our 'Alpha Traders' community, granting them access to exclusive events, regional meetups and much more.

Note: Not all products are available in all regions. We reserve the right to determine and amend the rules of the campaign at any time without further notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, or terminating this campaign, modifying the eligibility conditions for users participating in the campaign, and adjusting the campaign and reward rules. For the campaign's full terms and conditions, click here.

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