Arbitrum One
Arbitrum on teknologiapaketti, joka on suunniteltu skaalaamaan Ethereumia. Arbitrum-ketjujen avulla voit tehdä kaiken, mitä teet Ethereumissa: käyttää Web3-sovelluksia, ottaa käyttöön älysopimuksia jne., mutta transaktiosi ovat halvempia ja nopeampia.
The information displayed is strictly for informational purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation, to deal in any products (including any NFT), or as financial or investment advice. All information displayed on this page, including but not limited to the APY displayed and potential rewards, is based on information and services from third parties that OKX Web3 Wallet (“OKX”) has no control over or affiliation with, and shall not constitute any representation, warranty, undertaking or endorsement by OKX.
The information displayed is strictly for informational purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation, to deal in any products (including any NFT), or as financial or investment advice. All information displayed on this page, including but not limited to the APY displayed and potential rewards, is based on information and services from third parties that OKX Web3 Wallet (“OKX”) has no control over or affiliation with, and shall not constitute any representation, warranty, undertaking or endorsement by OKX.