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【Copy Trader】Pengantar Copy Trading Proporsional

Dipublikasikan Pada 11 Sep 2024Diperbarui Pada 12 Sep 2024Baca 4 mnt

1. What is proportional copy trading

Proportional copy trading is a new method of setting your amount per order when copying a trader. Copy traders start by setting a multiplier as their amount per order. Every time a lead trader opens a position, the multiplier will be applied to the lead trader's order value to calculate the copy trader's order amount. For example, if a copy trader sets a multiple of 0.1x and the lead trader opens a position worth 10,000 USDT, the copy trader's amount per order will be 10,000 USDT × 0.1 = 1,000 USDT. Proportional trading therefore allows copy traders to more closely follow a lead trader's trading strategy and achieve a similar PnL.

2. How to carry out proportional copy trades

Step 1: Go to "Discover > Copy trading" (You need to be logged in to access the feature)

Step 2: Find a trader that you're interested in copying under "Market board" and select "Copy now"

Step 3: Select "Proportional amount" and set up your copy trade

  • You can view the order amount type above the top-right corner of the "Amount per order" field. If it's set to "Fixed amount", you can tap it to select "Proportional amount".

  • You can consult the recommended multiplier and average open position value when setting your multiplier.

Copy trade settings

Jumlah Proporsional per Order

Atur pengali antara 0,01 dan 10 yang akan diterapkan pada nilai order lead trader guna menghitung jumlah untuk setiap order.

Contoh: Jika Copy Trader menetapkan pengali 0,1x dan lead trader membuka posisi senilai 10.000 USDT, maka jumlah per order milik Copy Trader adalah 10.000 USDT × 0,1 = 1.000 USDT.

Jumlah Total Maksimum

Jika total margin Anda untuk semua order di bawah Copy Trader mencapai jumlah ini, Anda akan berhenti menyalin trading baru hingga beberapa posisi Anda saat ini ditutup. Jika margin Anda berada di bawah jumlah ini, Anda akan mulai menyalin trading lagi.

Anda dapat menetapkan jumlah ini antara 20 hingga 30.000 USDT.

Mode Margin

Ini sama dengan mode margin Anda di halaman trading kontrak manual. Semua perubahan yang Anda buat dalam copy trading akan disinkronkan ke pengaturan trading manual Anda.


Leverage untuk setiap kontrak sama seperti di halaman trading kontrak manual. Semua perubahan yang Anda buat dalam copy trading akan disinkronkan ke pengaturan trading manual Anda.

TP dan SL

TP per Order

TP maksimum yang dapat Anda tetapkan adalah 150%

Posisi Anda akan otomatis ditutup jika keuntungan order mencapai jumlah ini.

SL per Order

SL maksimum yang dapat Anda tetapkan adalah 75%

Posisi Anda akan otomatis ditutup jika kerugian order mencapai jumlah ini.

SL untuk Trader

Total SL untuk semua trading di bawah lead trader. Jika total kerugian melebihi jumlah ini, Anda akan secara otomatis berhenti menyalin lead trader. Anda dapat memilih sisa posisi terbuka Anda untuk:

Tutup segera dengan harga pasar

Tutup saat trader menutup

Tutup secara manual

Menyalin Kontrak

Kontrak yang ingin Anda gunakan untuk membuat copy trade. Semua kontrak yang didukung oleh lead trader dipilih secara default. Anda dapat mengeditnya sesuai dengan preferensi.

Step 4: Select "Copy now", double check the copy trade details and select "Confirm".

3. Recommended multiplier

Because your copy trade order amount is proportional to that of the lead trader, if your multiplier is too high, your order may be at risk of early liquidation due to high leverage. Our system therefore provides a recommended multiplier to help you minimize risk. We highly recommend staying within the recommended multiplier range. The calculation for the recommended multiplier is as follows:

  • Recommended multiplier = Modifier × min{Maximum total copy amount, Copy trader USDT equity} / Lead trader USDT equity

  • Modifier for minimum recommended multiplier = 0.5 - Modifier for maximum recommended multiplier = 1

For example, if your maximum total copy amount is 30,000 USDT, your trading account equity is 10,000 USDT, and the lead trader's account equity is 20,000 USDT, the calculation for the recommended multiplier will be Modifier × min{30,000, 10,000} / 20,000. Since the Copy trader USDT equity of 10,000 is less than the Maximum total copy amount of 30,000 the final equations will be:

  • Maximum recommended multiplier: 1 × 10,000 / 20,000 = 0.5 - Minimum recommended multiplier: 0.5 × 10,000 / 20,000 = 0.25 In addition to the recommended multiplier, you can also consider the lead trader's average open position value to help you decide a suitable multiplier.