Industry's first AI-powered feature that identifies and presents top-performing automated strategies from our most popular strategy categories and applies them to BTC, ETH and SOL
Smart Picks simplifies the process of choosing and executing effective strategies
Today, we're happy to announce the launch of Smart Picks, an AI-powered feature that seeks to remove the complexity from crypto trading. This first-of-its-kind feature identifies and presents top-performing automated strategies from our most popular strategy categories and applies them to BTC, ETH and SOL.

Smart Picks does the heavy lifting for customers by simplifying the process of choosing and executing effective strategies. With just one click, eligible users can access advanced strategies through an intuitive interface, reducing the time spent on research.
Each strategy featured by Smart Picks includes detailed information, such as historical performance metrics like Backtested Annual Percentage Yield (APY), Assets Under Management (AUM) and categorized risk levels (conservative, balanced or aggressive).
For example, it might showcase a Swing GRID Bot strategy on BTC/USDT with an APY of +85%, an AUM of 10 million USDT and 20,000 active bot traders. This ability to extract and feature a strategy on a token helps traders of any level experiment with different approaches, helping them discover which strategies best align with their market exploration goals.
Smart Picks is available through our recently launched Smart Trading platform, which combines all of our automated trading tools - including Copy Trading, Signal Trading and Trading Bots - into a single marketplace. We're the first major player in CeFi to offer such a comprehensive, AI-driven solution.
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