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Our OKX Explorer is the First Official Blockchain Search Engine and Web3 Analytics Platform for the AggLayer

Today, we're happy to announce that OKX Explorer, our leading blockchain search engine and Web3 analytics platform, is the first official blockchain explorer platform to support the AggLayer, a neutral protocol being developed by core contributors at Polygon Labs. This integration will provide developers with streamlined access to onchain data and developer tools across all AggLayer-integrated chains.

The AggLayer is a neutral interoperability protocol that connects sovereign chains together, unifying liquidity, users and state across a fragmented landscape, but with the feel of a single chain. It aims to provide a more unified experience through innovative features like a single bridge smart contract that ensures assets on AggChains are always native and never wrapped. The protocol is a key component of Polygon’s broader strategy to build an aggregated network powered by ZK technology.

As the first blockchain search engine and Web3 analytics platform to support the AggLayer, we aim to deliver the following benefits to developers:

  • Streamlined access to onchain data and developer tools - including powerful blockchain APIs - for efficient development across all AggChains

  • Advanced data visualization tools and functionalities specifically designed to optimize development workflows

  • Comprehensive support for AggLayer and bridge transactions, providing a holistic view of blockchain activities

The wider Web3 community will also benefit from using our OKX Explorer for the following reasons:

  • Enhanced transparency and trust within the Polygon landscape through comprehensive onchain data

  • A user-friendly interface that makes complex blockchain data accessible to users of all experience levels

  • Ability to track transactions, analyze network behavior and make informed decisions based on reliable data

Looking ahead, this close collaboration will not only provide access to additional unified bridge data for each AggChain, but also see the introduction of an aggregated and statistical blockchain data dashboard developed by our OKX Explorer. Unified bridge data enables secure and trustless transfers of assets and inter-chain communication, facilitating composability across different Layer 2 chains; the addition of unified bridge data will provide a more holistic view of the AggLayer and cross-bridge landscape.

Our OKX Explorer will also be available for Polygon CDK (Polygon Chain Development Kit) chains, which enables teams to build their own ZK-powered Layer 2 custom-fitted to their needs. With our OKX Explorer as an available integration, Polygon CDK-built chains will be able to use the platform out-of-the-box.

Our OKX Explorer is a leading blockchain search engine and Web3 analytics platform that provides extensive coverage of over 44 public chains, including all live Polygon chains and popular ones like BTC, EVM L1 and L2 chains, Tron and Solana, as well as comprehensive onchain data and developer tools. Our collaboration with Polygon Labs marks a significant milestone, further streamlining developers' and the wider Web3 community's access to blockchain data.

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