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Now Live: Our ‘2024 Summer Games’ Trading Competition Featuring a 500,000 USDT Reward Pool

Today, we're happy to announce the launch of our '2024 Summer Games' trading competition featuring a reward pool worth up to 500,000 USDT.

Our '2024 Summer Games’ trading competition is specifically for traders of our USDT-margined perpetual futures contracts and consists of two phases:

  • Heats: The 'Heats' phase starts on August 1 at 12:00 UTC and ends on August 18 at 23:59 UTC. During this period, eligible* individuals and teams with the highest Profit and Loss (PnL) percentage will be eligible to claim a share of the reward pool

  • Finals: Only the top 15% of the best-performing teams in the 'Heats' will qualify for the 'Finals' phase, featuring an additional 150,000 USDT reward pool. The 'Finals' will take place from August 23, 2024, 12:00 UTC to September 5, 2024, 23:59 UTC.

The total value of the prize pool increases with the number of participants. For example, every 1,000 traders unlock an additional 10,000 USDT in the reward pool. The registration period for this trading competition is open from today at 12:00 UTC until August 8 at 23:59 UTC. Participants must click the "Join a Team" button here and ensure the button changes to "Enrolled" to be considered a valid participant. Additionally, eligible users must complete KYC identity verification to participate and claim rewards, and teams must have a minimum of 10 members by the end of the registration period.

Crypto Trader and Social Media Sensation Ash Ahn (aka Maeuknam) said: "I'm delighted to be leading one of the teams at OKX's inaugural Summer Games trading competition. As a long-time advocate for OKX, I've seen its unwavering commitment to innovation and delivering the best possible trading experiences and activities for its users."

A Founding Member of Ninja Traders, a Türkiye-based trading community, said: "Ninja Traders is very excited to participate in OKX's global trading competition. OKX is the number one choice of our community for futures trading, with an easy interface and various order types that many users like. Our goal is to compete with our team and aim for the top standings.”

The launch of this competition highlights our dedication to offering more interactive and social experiences for the crypto community. Recently, we became the first major crypto exchange to launch a Telegram mini-app game called 'OKX Racer' where players guess bitcoin's price movements every five seconds, earning points for correct guesses and additional points if they refer friends. The game quickly gained popularity, surpassing 1.2 million players within its first 24 hours.

*Note: Not all products are available in all regions. OKX reserves the right to determine and amend the rules of the campaign at any time without further notice, including but not limited to canceling, extending, or terminating this campaign, modifying the eligibility conditions for users participating in the campaign, and adjusting the campaign and reward rules. For the campaign's full terms and conditions, click here.

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