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Announcing Our Strategic Investment in GoPlus to Enhance Blockchain Security

Today, we're happy to announce our strategic investment in GoPlus, a cutting-edge platform dedicated to enhancing security in the blockchain ecosystem. This investment aligns with our commitment to supporting innovative technologies that drive the crypto and blockchain industries forward.

GoPlus is at the forefront of blockchain security, offering comprehensive, automated security services that protect users against various threats in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. The platform's suite of security tools includes smart contract auditing, real-time threat detection and anti-phishing solutions, making it a critical infrastructure component for safe and secure blockchain interactions.

We recognize the pivotal role that security plays in the adoption and trust of blockchain technologies. By investing in GoPlus, we aim to support the development and expansion of robust security measures that safeguard users and enhance the overall resilience of the blockchain ecosystem.

With this strategic investment, GoPlus plans to accelerate the development of its security technologies, expand its team of experts, and extend its reach to more blockchain networks and dApps. This collaboration will also enable GoPlus to leverage our extensive industry experience and resources to further refine its security solutions.

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