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Introducing 'Alpha Traders': a community for the onchain generation

  • An invite-only community helping to shape the evolution of our Wallet and DEX through continuous feedback and collaboration

  • Program reinforces our Wallet's position as the destination of preference for onchain traders

  • Members receive priority access to new products and features, VIP events and more

We've just launched 'Alpha Traders,' an invite-only community for influential onchain traders. The program brings the onchain community's voice into the heart of our Wallet's product development cycle through direct, continuous dialogue between popular Web3 voices and our product and growth teams.

Members of 'Alpha Traders' play three key roles in shaping the future of onchain trading: providing early feedback on products and features as they evolve, contributing fresh ideas for DEX and Wallet innovation, and offering influence and inspiration to onchain communities while helping move the space forward responsibly.'Alpha Traders' is a contemporary community program, rewarding participants through its Proof of Partnership model:

  • Priority testing and access to upcoming Wallet and DEX features

  • Exclusive VIP access to events hosted by us and our partners globally

  • Monthly stipend and gas fee rebates

  • Custom merchandise

  • Direct input on product development through exclusive roundtables

  • Gas fee rebates on our Exchange

The inaugural cohort includes popular Web3 voices De Sheikh, Da Big Boi, Spider Monkey, Jeremy Crypto, 0xSweep, NekoZ and CoinGurruu, who collectively command an audience of over one million followers across X and Telegram. Applications for the next cohort of 'Alpha Traders' are now open, with selected members to be announced across our Wallet's social and community channels.

The impact of the community program's feedback is already evident in our Wallet's development pipeline. The program has directly influenced over 20 new features - spanning onchain trading experiences, token discovery tools and trading channel innovations - that are either live or in production. These enhancements reflect our Wallet's commitment to building solutions shaped by active traders for active traders.

Recent innovations from our Wallet showcase our commitment to the onchain trading community. Our new OKX Telegram Wallet (OKX_WALLET_BOT) brings the full functionality of our Wallet directly into Telegram, while 'Meme Mode' offers a fast, self-custodial trading experience for Solana memecoins with zero fees. These features represent just the beginning of our Wallet's roadmap for enhancing the onchain trading experience.

Influential voices in the onchain trading space can apply to join the 'Alpha Traders' program at:

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