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Our 20th Monthly Proof of Reserves Showcases USD22.4 Billion in Primary Assets Backing Customer Funds

  • To date, more than 1.65 million customers have checked and confirmed that their assets on our platform are backed 1:1

  • We continue to maintain over 100% reserve ratios for 22 of the most frequently traded assets on our platform

  • We're among the few exchanges that regularly publish PoR reports each month, demonstrating our continued commitment to raising the bar for trust and transparency

We're thrilled to announce the release of our 20th consecutive Proof of Reserves (PoR) report, showcasing USD22.4 billion in primary assets backing customer funds.

We're among the few exchanges that regularly publish PoR reports each month, demonstrating our continued commitment to raising the bar for trust and transparency in the industry. To date, more than 1.65 million customers have checked and confirmed that their assets on our platform are backed on a 1:1 basis. This month's PoR report features the publication of 628,484 public wallet addresses.

As with our previous PoR reports, we maintain over 100% reserve ratios for 22 of the most frequently traded assets on our platform: BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC, XRP, DOGE, SOL, OKB, APT, DOT, ELF, EOS, ETC, FIL, LINK, LTC, OKT, PEOPLE, TON, TRX, UNI and BCH. The current reserve ratios for primary assets on our platform are as follows:

  • BTC: 104%

  • ETH: 102%

  • USDT: 107%

  • USDC: 102%

Our use of Zero-Knowledge Scalable Transparent Argument of Knowledge (zk-STARK) technology - a cryptographic proof technology based on Vitalik's idea to enforce the integrity and privacy of computations on blockchains - in our PoR process sets it apart. This innovative technology allows anyone to independently verify the total amount of assets held by our platform without revealing any user-specific data, bolstering privacy and security.

As a strong advocate for PoR, we have been actively contributing to discussions on the role of PoR in enhancing trust and transparency in the crypto industry. Last month, our Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau shared insights on PoR's role in industry growth at the DC Blockchain Summit. We also recently hosted an X Spaces session on PoR, featuring leading industry voices, including our Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai and Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique, Castle Island Ventures Founding Partner Nic Carter, Crypto Analyst and Influencer James Parker, and Crypto Educator and Advocate Joe Nakamoto.

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