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What is the Task Center? Explore OKX Exchange and earn rewards

Now you can earn rewards and bonuses for trading and completing tasks on OKX.From USDT, to tokens and vouchers, rewards are earned instantly in the new OKX Task Center.


  • Explore the task center for rewarding tasks.

  • Complete simple quests and earn rewards while discovering new features.

  • Start with beginner tasks or challenge yourself with advanced trading options.

  • Unlock perks and rewards and explore exciting new trading products.

  • Bringing back the fun to crypto by turning quests into rewards you can use.

What is the Task Center?

Think of the Task Center as your personal treasure map. Where you can complete simple tasks, explore new and cool features, and bag rewards. There’s something for everyone in the Task Center.

Finding Task Center

Tailored just for you

Whether you are new to crypto or a crypto vet who survived many crypto winters and cycles, we’ve got tasks for all levels.

An engaging experience

There's no need for Sherlock-level skills or searching for Easter eggs — tasks are straightforward and quick to complete.

Earn as you go

Every task completed results in a reward you can use immediately.

What can you do in the Task Center?

In the Task Center, we make it easier for you to do different tasks related to our products, no matter where you are on your trading journey.

Discover tasks that fit your style

Just signed up? Start with some basic tasks like making your first trade. Already a trading pro? Try challenges that dive into futures, options, or trading bots.

Unlock hidden perks

Completing tasks isn’t just about rewards — it’s your chance to explore our exciting trading features. And who knows, you might find your new favorite feature.

Explore products

The Task Center isn’t just about ticking boxes — it’s about exploring what we have to offer, and to help you build up your confidence as a trader by using our products. Let's look over examples of how you can potentially earn rewards.

Spot Trading

  • What is it: buying and selling crypto instantly at market prices. It’s like shopping, but for coins.

  • Why it’s cool: Great for beginners to get their feet wet.

  • Task Example: make your first spot trade and claim your reward.

Futures Trading

  • What is it: Betting on whether the market will go up or down in the future.

  • Why it’s cool: amplify your yield (or risks!) with leverage.

  • Task Example: complete a futures trade and score some rewards.

Options Trading

  • What is it: The power to buy or sell crypto at a set price before a deadline. It’s like calling dibs on future deals.

  • Why it’s cool: Hedge your risks and test your market smarts.

  • Task Example: Dip your toes in options trading and earn rewards.

Pre-Futures Trading

  • What is it: Get early access to markets before they officially launch. It’s like being a VIP.

  • Why it’s cool: be among the first to grab new opportunities.

  • Task Example: Try pre-futures trading and get rewards.

Earn Products

  • What is it: make your crypto work for you through staking, saving, or farming. It’s like planting a money tree.

  • Why it’s cool: passive returns while you sip your coffee.

  • Task Example: deposit into an earn product and receive rewards.

New Marketplace (Smart Trading)

  • What is it: A marketplace for you to create or copy a bot.

  • Why it’s cool: Utilize automated tools that trade for you based on your rules. Set it, forget it, and let the bot do the heavy lifting.

  • Task Example: create or use a trading bot to earn some rewards.

P2P Trading

  • What it is: A direct way to buy and sell crypto with others using local payment methods — no intermediaries, just pure peer-to-peer transactions.

  • Why it’s cool: Set your prices with zero fees and use your preferred payment methods, all while staying secure with escrow protection.

  • Task Example: Complete your first P2P trade (buy or sell) and earn a reward!

Copy Trading

  • What it is: Follow the strategies of pro traders or share your genius and earn while others copy you.

  • Why it’s cool: Learn from the best — or be the best.

  • Task Example: Start copy trading or become a smart trader for a reward.

The Task Center isn’t just about rewards — it’s a fun, hands-on way to explore crypto trading and OKX products. Whether you’re a curious crypto newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s always something new to discover, try, and earn.


The Task Center is your go-to spot for exploring our features and earning rewards. Complete tasks tailored to your trading level. Whether you’re new to crypto or a crypto vet, we have something for everyone.

The Task Center offers something for everyone. If you’re new, start with easy tasks like making your first deposit. If you’re a pro, dive into advanced challenges like futures or options trading.

Rewards vary based on the tasks performed.

Absolutely! The Task Center is a great way to complement your learning journey. Each task helps you explore new tools, understand trading concepts, and build confidence while making the experience rewarding and enjoyable.

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Acest conținut este furnizat doar în scopuri informative și poate acoperi produse care nu sunt disponibile în regiunea dvs. Acesta nu este menit să furnizeze (i) sfaturi sau recomandări de investiții; (ii) o ofertă sau o solicitare de a cumpăra, vinde sau deține cripto/active digitale sau (iii) recomandări financiare, contabile, juridice sau fiscale. Deținerile de cripto/active digitale, inclusiv criptomonede stabile și NFT-uri, presupun un nivel ridicat de risc și pot fluctua foarte mult. Ar trebui să vă gândiți bine dacă tranzacționarea sau deținerea de cripto/active digitale este adecvată pentru dvs., având în vedere situația dvs. financiară. Consultați un specialist în domeniul juridic/fiscal/al investițiilor și adresați-i întrebări cu privire la circumstanțele dvs. specifice. Informațiile (inclusiv datele de piață și informațiile statistice, după caz) care apar în această postare sunt prezentate doar în scop de informare generală. Deși s-au luat toate măsurile rezonabile pentru a pregăti aceste date și grafice, nu acceptăm nicio responsabilitate sau răspundere pentru nicio eroare factuală sau omisiune exprimată aici. Atât OKX Web3 Wallet, cât și OKX NFT Marketplace fac obiectul unor termeni separați privind serviciile, pe care îi puteți consulta la
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