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X Layer Public Mainnet Now Live, Building With 200+ dApps

A message from OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique

Today we launched the public mainnet of our Layer-2 (L2), X LAYER, building with more than 200 dApps across the network.

X LAYER is integrated with OKX Exchange (CEX) and the OKX Web3 Wallet. Users can seamlessly bridge assets from the two platforms to LAYER to interact with with the DApps deployed on the network.

X LAYER combines the OKX symbol of X - for openness and interoperability - with the word LAYER, which represents different types of protocols that work together to improve the scalability of a blockchain network. X LAYER is built to be versatile, not restricting innovation to a single use case. We envision onchain developers using X LAYER and its infrastructure to create new "Layers" for a multitude of use cases.

Our progress since the testnet

With the 200+ dApps that onboarded during our testnet stage, we've also seen thousands of developers actively building on the network. Our objective is to make it cheaper and faster for millions of people to go in and out of on-chain applications through our Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZK) powered, EVM compatible L2 network.

Current applications include roughly 40 DeFi, 20 Infra, 12 Bridge, 5 Growth Tools, 16 Wallets, 10 NFT and Gaming, 10 SocialFi and several other dev tooling dApps. Some of Web3's most popular dApps are building on X LAYER:

  • DeFi dApps such as Curve, Renzo, and QuickSwap

  • Infra applications, including LayerZero, Wormhole, EigenLayer (DA)

Now that the X LAYER public mainnet is live, our focus is to onboard as many developers and users as possible. Our aim is to add value by providing a seamless and efficient experience on-chain, to encourage and facilitate new innovations based on L2 and ZK technologies.

The long term purpose of X Layer

We're a technology company at our core and have developed one of the world's largest crypto ecosystems since our launch in 2014. We believe in the transformative power blockchain offers the world and have invested our resources, time and to create some of the world's most powerful Web3 products. With that same commitment and determination, we're building X Layer with a focus on three core areas:

1. Easy to use on-chain decentralized applications

  • Bridge chains to make them more interoperable and accessible

  • Improve onboarding and interaction design so utility is more intuitive

  • Integrate all dApps with the OKX Web3 Wallet to ensure a native UI

  • Advanced wallet services, including account abstraction

2. Empower builders & creators

  • Provide an advanced tech-stack for builders in collaboration with Polygon Labs

  • Work closely with builders to help them bring their vision to our L2 chain

  • Publish timely documentation that clearly guide users through the development process

  • Provide developers with a platform to test dApps with millions of active on-chain users

3. A cheaper, faster on-chain experience

  • Dramatically reducing transactions fees, making it affordable to engage with dApps

  • Increase TPS by optimizing transaction batching and approvals

Over the past few years, we introduced our first self-managed wallet, and later launched new services within the wallet, such as search, swap and bridge across hundreds of on-chain networks. We introduced innovations such as Ordinals along with several Creator tools to welcome diverse usecases of on-chain activity. Late last year, we announced our plan to develop our own Ethereum L2, which we believe is the next building block to improve the way people interact with on-chain applications.

We view our Web3 ecosystem through the following Web3 Building Blocks, using a transportation metaphor (cars, destinations, services and highways):

Access and Storage (Entry and Exit. Or you can think of it as a vehicle to store your things and take you places)

Wallet (open-source self hosted and fully interoperable wallet)

Marketplace (Destinations & Services. Or you can think of this as shops, galleries, or an open bazaar)

dApps (Search, Swap, Bridge, Create, Trade)

Infrastructure (Highways or you can think of it as the shortest, safest and cheapest route to your destination)

Chain (Layer-2) ZK-EVM (Connect Ethereum dApps)

X Layer Chart

X LAYER aims to unlock and accelerate the global adoption of the Web3 economy, ensuring greater individual freedom and opportunity for millions worldwide. We're incredibly excited about what's to come and welcome you to join us as we work to bring the vision of X LAYER to life.

Let's build the Web3 future together.


Join us on Discord and follow X Layer on X for more updates.

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