Ціна Synthetix

Зміна ціни за останні 24 години
Який ваш сьогоднішній прогноз щодо SNX?
Поділіться тут своїми настроями, поставивши великий палець угору, якщо передбачаєте підйом монети (бичачу поведінку), або великий палець униз, якщо передбачаєте спад (ведмежу).
Голосуйте, щоб переглянути результати

Інформація про ринок Synthetix

Ринкова капіталізація
Ринкова капіталізація обчислюється множенням циркулюючої пропозиції монети на останню ціну.
Ринкова капіталізація = циркулююча пропозиція × остання ціна
Циркулююча пропозиція
Загальна кількість монет, яка є на ринку у відкритому доступі.
Рейтинг ринкової капіталізації
Рейтинг монети з точки зору показника ринкової капіталізації.
Макс. за весь час
Найвища ціна, якої досягла монета за всю історію торгівлі.
Мін. за весь час
Найнижча ціна, яку мала монета за всю історію торгівлі.
Ринкова капіталізація
Циркулююча пропозиція
339 466 217 SNX
99,87% з
339 889 850 SNX
Рейтинг ринкової капіталізації
Останній аудит: 3 черв. 2021 р.
Макс. за 24 г
Мін. за 24 г
Макс. за весь час
-97,08% (-$28,1424)
Останнє оновлення: 14 лют. 2021 р.
Мін. за весь час
+16,99% (+$0,12310)
Останнє оновлення: 11 бер. 2025 р.

Калькулятор SNX


Показники ціни Synthetix у USD

Поточна ціна Synthetix становить $0,84760. За останні 24 години для Synthetix спостерігалося зменшується на -7,68%. Наразі циркулююча пропозиція становить 339 466 217 SNX, а максимальна — 339 889 850 SNX, що дає повністю розбавлену ринкову капіталізацію в розмірі $287,43M. На сьогодні монета Synthetix займає 100 позицію в рейтингу ринкової капіталізації. Ціна Synthetix/USD оновлюється в режимі реального часу.
7 днів
30 днів
3 місяці

Про Synthetix (SNX)

Рейтинг визначено на основі даних, зібраних OKX із наданих джерел, і має виключно інформаційний характер. OKX не гарантує якість або точність рейтингів. Вони не призначені для надання (i) інвестиційних порад або рекомендацій; (ii) пропозиції або заохочення купувати, продавати чи утримувати цифрові активи; або (iii) фінансових, бухгалтерських, юридичних або податкових консультацій. Вартість цифрових активів, включаючи стейблкоіни й NFT, пов’язана з високим ризиком і може сильно коливатися й навіть знецінюватися. На цифрові активи не поширюються жодні гарантії, і їх можуть змінити без попереднього сповіщення. Ваші цифрові активи не застраховані від можливих збитків. Прибутковість в минулому не гарантує аналогічних прибутків у майбутньому. OKX не гарантує повернення інвестованого капіталу чи відсотки з нього. OKX не надає рекомендацій щодо інвестицій або активів. Ви маєте самостійно вирішувати, чи варто торгувати цифровими активами або утримувати їх, зважаючи на свій фінансовий стан. Якщо у вас виникнуть запитання, проконсультуйтеся з юридичним/податковим/інвестиційним фахівцем.
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    Про сторонні вебсайти
    Використовуючи вебсайт третьої сторони (далі — «Сторонній вебсайт»), ви погоджуєтеся, що будь-яке використання Стороннього вебсайту регулюється умовами Стороннього вебсайту. Якщо це прямо не зазначено в письмовій формі, OKX і партнери компанії (далі — «OKX») жодним чином не пов’язані з власником або оператором Стороннього вебсайту. Ви погоджуєтеся, що OKX не несе відповідальності за жодні втрати, збитки й інші наслідки, що виникають у результаті використання вами Стороннього вебсайту. Зверніть увагу, що використання Стороннього вебсайту може призвести до втрати або зменшення ваших активів.

На тлі проблем з масштабуванням мережі Ethereum та зростаючої перевантаженості, Synthetix стала інноваційним рішенням для вирішення цих проблем. Завдяки нативному токену SNX, Synthetix надає надійну платформу для синтетичних активів у сфері децентралізованих фінансів (DeFi). Ця платформа виходить за рамки типових пропозицій DeFi, представляючи особливий підхід до токенізації та управління активами, який відкриває численні можливості в криптовалютному просторі.

Що таке Synthetix?

Synthetix – це протокол DeFi, що працює в мережі Ethereum і дозволяє створювати синтетичні активи. Ці активи, які називаються Synths, відтворюють вартість різних інших активів, включаючи фіатні валюти, криптовалюти, товари та акції. Основна мета Synths – запропонувати користувачам доступ до цих активів без необхідності володіти ними фізично. Synthetix Network Token (SNX) є нативним токеном протоколу і використовується як застава для випуску Synths

Команда Synthetix

Команда Synthetix на чолі з Каїном Уорвіком – це група досвідчених розробників та підприємців. Серед відомих членів команди – Дастін Фонтейн, технічний директор; Джастін Мозес, старший інженер-програміст; Клінт Енніс, старший архітектор; і Санні Вемпаті, front-end архітектор. Крім того, команду доповнюють Ендрю Портер, невиконавчий директор, Марсело Д., партнер Cluster Capital, та Брайан О'Фаррелл, співзасновник Furthr.

Як працює Synthetix?

Synthetix працює, використовуючи децентралізовані оракули, які є протоколами визначення цін на основі смартконтрактів, для моніторингу цін на конкретні активи. Таким чином, вартість Synths прив'язується до базових активів, що дозволяє користувачам отримувати доступ до цих активів, не володіючи ними напряму.

Користувачі можуть заблокувати свої токени SNX як заставу для створення нових Synths. Цими токенами можна торгувати на біржі Synthetix без ризику прослизання. Це досягається за допомогою механізму, який спалює продані Synthy і карбує нові, забезпечуючи збалансованість загальної пропозиції.

Токеноміка SNX

Токени SNX відіграють життєво важливу роль в екосистемі Synthetix, оскільки вони слугують заставою для створення synths. Коли власники SNX здійснюють стейкінг своїх токенів в рамках протоколу, вони отримують доступ до винагород і можливість брати участь в обміні Synth. Варто зазначити, що вартість токенів SNX безпосередньо пов'язана з вартістю synths, які вони забезпечують, встановлюючи важливий зв'язок між токеном і базовими активами в системі.

Варіанти використання Synthetix

Synthetix пропонує різні варіанти використання синтетичних активів. Завдяки синтетичним активам користувачі можуть отримати доступ до широкого спектру активів без необхідності безпосередньо володіти ними, оскільки синтетичні активи прив'язані до вартості базових активів.

Платформа дозволяє користувачам торгувати синтетичними активами безпосередньо на Synthetix DEX без залучення посередників. Крім того, будучи побудованою на блокчейні Ethereum, користувачі можуть депонувати Synths на обраних DeFi-протоколах, забезпечуючи ліквідність і заробляючи відсотки.

Власники токенів SNX можуть ставити свої токени на кін і отримувати Synths в якості винагороди, що ще більше розширює їхню участь в екосистемі.

Розподіл SNX

Загальна пропозиція токенів SNX обмежена 259,562,746. Розподіл відбувається наступним чином:

  • 60% через первинне розміщення монет (ICO).
  • 3% на винагороди та маркетингові стимули.
  • 5% на партнерства.
  • 12% для фонду.
  • 20% команді та консультантам. 

Шлях, який чекає на Synthetix

Майбутній план розвитку Synthetix передбачає розширення пропозиції синтетичних активів, включно з традиційними активами, такими як акції та облігації. Цей стратегічний крок спрямований на подолання розриву між традиційною фінансовою сферою та простором блокчейну, що дозволить користувачам отримати доступ до ширшого спектру інвестиційних можливостей.

Крім того, команда Synthetix прагне поліпшити користувацький досвід, підвищуючи доступність і зручність платформи, орієнтуючись як на досвідчених, так і на нових користувачів.

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Кількість дописів зі згадкою про токен за останні 24 години. Це може допомогти оцінити рівень зацікавлення цим токеном.
Кількість осіб, які публікували дописи про токен за останні 24 години. Більшість дописувачів можуть запропонувати кращу продуктивність токена.
Обсяг онлайн-залучення (як-от оцінки «подобається», коментарі й поширення) у соцмережах за останні 24 години. Високий рівень залучення може вказувати на сильне зацікавлення токеном.
Відсоток, що відображає настрої в дописах за останні 24 години. Високий відсоток співвідноситься з позитивними настроями та може вказувати на покращення ринкових показників.
Рейтинг за обсягом
Показник обсягу відображає обсяг дописів за останні 24 години. Великий обсяг свідчить про популярність цього токена відносно інших.
За останні 24 години з’явилося 685 нових дописів про Synthetix від 396 авторів, і загалом онлайн-залученість досягла 95 тис. соціальних взаємодій. Оцінка настроїв щодо Synthetix зараз становить 73%. Порівняно з усіма криптовалютами, за обсягом дописів Synthetix зараз посідає 3734 місце. Відстежуйте зміни показників у соцмережах, бо вони можуть містити ключову інформацію про вплив і охоплення Synthetix.
На основі LunarCrush
94 913
Рейтинг за обсягом


92 685

Synthetix — FAQ

Як Synthetix дозволяє створювати синтетичні активи?

Synthetix (SNX) – це децентралізований протокол на блокчейні Ethereum, який полегшує створення синтетичних активів, відомих як "synths". Ці синтетичні активи імітують вартість реальних активів, таких як криптовалюти, товари та фіатні валюти. Використовуючи смартконтракти, оракули та токен SNX, Synthetix дозволяє користувачам отримувати доступ до різних активів, не володіючи ними безпосередньо. Це відкриває новий горизонт фінансових можливостей у просторі децентралізованих фінансів (DeFi).

Яку роль відіграє токен SNX в екосистемі Synthetix?

Токен SNX відіграє важливу роль в екосистемі Synthetix, виконуючи кілька функцій. Перш за все, він виступає в якості застави для підтримки вартості випущених синтезаторів. Власники можуть заблокувати свої токени як заставу і карбувати synths, отримуючи пропорційну частку комісійних, що генеруються протоколом Synthetix. Крім того, власники токенів SNX можуть брати участь в управлінні протоколом, що дає їм право голосу в процесах прийняття рішень.

Як купувати та зберігати SNX?

Легко купуйте токени SNX на платформі OKX у криптовалюті. Доступні торгові пари в спот-торгівлі OKX включаютьSNX/USDTтаSNX/USDC. Ви також можете обміняти наявні у вас криптовалюти, зокремаБіткоїн (BTC),Cardano (ADA),Tether (USDT)таUSD Coin (USDC), для SNX з нульовою комісією та без прослизання ціни за допомогоюКонвертація OKX.

Скільки сьогодні коштує 1 Synthetix?
Наразі один Synthetix коштує $0,84760. Якщо вам цікава динаміка цін Synthetix — ви потрапили в потрібне місце. Слідкуйте за графіками Synthetix і торгуйте відповідально з OKX.
Що таке криптовалюта?
Криптовалюти, як-от Synthetix, є цифровими активами, які працюють на основі публічного реєстру, що називається блокчейн. Дізнайтеся більше про монети й токени на OKX і їх атрибути, зокрема ціни та графіки в режимі реального часу.
Коли була винайдена криптовалюта?
Через фінансову кризу 2008 року інтерес до децентралізованих фінансів різко зріс. Bitcoin став новим безпечним цифровим активом у децентралізованій мережі. З того часу було створено багато інших токенів, як-от Synthetix.
Чи зросте сьогодні ціна на Synthetix?
Перегляньте сторінка з прогнозами цін на Synthetix, щоб передбачати майбутні ціни й визначати цільову вартість.

Розкриття інформації про ESG

Принципи екологічного, соціального й корпоративного управління (Environmental, Social, and Governance, ESG) для криптовалютних активів покликані вирішити проблеми, пов’язані з їх впливом на довкілля (наприклад, енергозатратний майнінг), сприяти прозорості й забезпечувати етичні методи управління, щоб узгодити криптовалютну галузь із більш масштабними цілями сталого розвитку й суспільства. Ці принципи заохочують дотримуватися стандартів, що знижують ризики й зміцнюють довіру у сфері цифрових активів.
Відомості про актив
OKcoin Europe LTD
Ідентифікатор відповідної юридичної особи
Назва криптовалютного активу
Synthetix Network
Механізм консенсусу
Synthetix Network is present on the following networks: avalanche, binance_smart_chain, ethereum, fantom, near_protocol, optimism, polygon, solana. The Avalanche blockchain network employs a unique Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism called Avalanche Consensus, which involves three interconnected protocols: Snowball, Snowflake, and Avalanche. Avalanche Consensus Process 1. Snowball Protocol: o Random Sampling: Each validator randomly samples a small, constant-sized subset of other validators. Repeated Polling: Validators repeatedly poll the sampled validators to determine the preferred transaction. Confidence Counters: Validators maintain confidence counters for each transaction, incrementing them each time a sampled validator supports their preferred transaction. Decision Threshold: Once the confidence counter exceeds a pre-defined threshold, the transaction is considered accepted. 2. Snowflake Protocol: Binary Decision: Enhances the Snowball protocol by incorporating a binary decision process. Validators decide between two conflicting transactions. Binary Confidence: Confidence counters are used to track the preferred binary decision. Finality: When a binary decision reaches a certain confidence level, it becomes final. 3. Avalanche Protocol: DAG Structure: Uses a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure to organize transactions, allowing for parallel processing and higher throughput. Transaction Ordering: Transactions are added to the DAG based on their dependencies, ensuring a consistent order. Consensus on DAG: While most Proof-of-Stake Protocols use a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus, Avalanche uses the Avalanche Consensus, Validators reach consensus on the structure and contents of the DAG through repeated Snowball and Snowflake. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) uses a hybrid consensus mechanism called Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA), which combines elements of Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) and Proof of Authority (PoA). This method ensures fast block times and low fees while maintaining a level of decentralization and security. Core Components 1. Validators (so-called “Cabinet Members”): Validators on BSC are responsible for producing new blocks, validating transactions, and maintaining the network’s security. To become a validator, an entity must stake a significant amount of BNB (Binance Coin). Validators are selected through staking and voting by token holders. There are 21 active validators at any given time, rotating to ensure decentralization and security. 2. Delegators: Token holders who do not wish to run validator nodes can delegate their BNB tokens to validators. This delegation helps validators increase their stake and improves their chances of being selected to produce blocks. Delegators earn a share of the rewards that validators receive, incentivizing broad participation in network security. 3. Candidates: Candidates are nodes that have staked the required amount of BNB and are in the pool waiting to become validators. They are essentially potential validators who are not currently active but can be elected to the validator set through community voting. Candidates play a crucial role in ensuring there is always a sufficient pool of nodes ready to take on validation tasks, thus maintaining network resilience and decentralization. Consensus Process 4. Validator Selection: Validators are chosen based on the amount of BNB staked and votes received from delegators. The more BNB staked and votes received, the higher the chance of being selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks. The selection process involves both the current validators and the pool of candidates, ensuring a dynamic and secure rotation of nodes. 5. Block Production: The selected validators take turns producing blocks in a PoA-like manner, ensuring that blocks are generated quickly and efficiently. Validators validate transactions, add them to new blocks, and broadcast these blocks to the network. 6. Transaction Finality: BSC achieves fast block times of around 3 seconds and quick transaction finality. This is achieved through the efficient PoSA mechanism that allows validators to rapidly reach consensus. Security and Economic Incentives 7. Staking: Validators are required to stake a substantial amount of BNB, which acts as collateral to ensure their honest behavior. This staked amount can be slashed if validators act maliciously. Staking incentivizes validators to act in the network's best interest to avoid losing their staked BNB. 8. Delegation and Rewards: Delegators earn rewards proportional to their stake in validators. This incentivizes them to choose reliable validators and participate in the network’s security. Validators and delegators share transaction fees as rewards, which provides continuous economic incentives to maintain network security and performance. 9. Transaction Fees: BSC employs low transaction fees, paid in BNB, making it cost-effective for users. These fees are collected by validators as part of their rewards, further incentivizing them to validate transactions accurately and efficiently. The Ethereum network uses a Proof-of-Stake Consensus Mechanism to validate new transactions on the blockchain. Core Components 1. Validators: Validators are responsible for proposing and validating new blocks. To become a validator, a user must deposit (stake) 32 ETH into a smart contract. This stake acts as collateral and can be slashed if the validator behaves dishonestly. 2. Beacon Chain: The Beacon Chain is the backbone of Ethereum 2.0. It coordinates the network of validators and manages the consensus protocol. It is responsible for creating new blocks, organizing validators into committees, and implementing the finality of blocks. Consensus Process 1. Block Proposal: Validators are chosen randomly to propose new blocks. This selection is based on a weighted random function (WRF), where the weight is determined by the amount of ETH staked. 2. Attestation: Validators not proposing a block participate in attestation. They attest to the validity of the proposed block by voting for it. Attestations are then aggregated to form a single proof of the block’s validity. 3. Committees: Validators are organized into committees to streamline the validation process. Each committee is responsible for validating blocks within a specific shard or the Beacon Chain itself. This ensures decentralization and security, as a smaller group of validators can quickly reach consensus. 4. Finality: Ethereum 2.0 uses a mechanism called Casper FFG (Friendly Finality Gadget) to achieve finality. Finality means that a block and its transactions are considered irreversible and confirmed. Validators vote on the finality of blocks, and once a supermajority is reached, the block is finalized. 5. Incentives and Penalties: Validators earn rewards for participating in the network, including proposing blocks and attesting to their validity. Conversely, validators can be penalized (slashed) for malicious behavior, such as double-signing or being offline for extended periods. This ensures honest participation and network security. Fantom operates on the Lachesis Protocol, an Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant (aBFT) consensus mechanism designed for fast, secure, and scalable transactions. Core Components of Fantom’s Consensus: 1. Lachesis Protocol (aBFT): Asynchronous and Leaderless: Lachesis allows nodes to reach consensus independently without relying on a central leader, enhancing decentralization and speed. DAG Structure: Instead of a linear blockchain, Lachesis uses a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure, allowing multiple transactions to be processed in parallel across nodes. This structure supports high throughput, making the network suitable for applications requiring rapid transaction processing. 2. Event Blocks and Instant Finality: Event Blocks: Transactions are grouped into event blocks, which are validated asynchronously by multiple validators. When enough validators confirm an event block, it becomes part of the Fantom network’s history. Instant Finality: Transactions on Fantom achieve immediate finality, meaning they are confirmed and cannot be reversed. This property is ideal for applications requiring fast and irreversible transactions. The NEAR Protocol uses a unique consensus mechanism combining Proof of Stake (PoS) and a novel approach called Doomslug, which enables high efficiency, fast transaction processing, and secure finality in its operations. Here's an overview of how it works: Core Concepts 1. Doomslug and Proof of Stake: - NEAR's consensus mechanism primarily revolves around PoS, where validators stake NEAR tokens to participate in securing the network. However, NEAR's implementation is enhanced with the Doomslug protocol. - Doomslug allows the network to achieve fast block finality by requiring blocks to be confirmed in two stages. Validators propose blocks in the first step, and finalization occurs when two-thirds of validators approve the block, ensuring rapid transaction confirmation. 2. Sharding with Nightshade: - NEAR uses a dynamic sharding technique called Nightshade. This method splits the network into multiple shards, enabling parallel processing of transactions across the network, thus significantly increasing throughput. Each shard processes a portion of transactions, and the outcomes are merged into a single "snapshot" block. - This sharding approach ensures scalability, allowing the network to grow and handle increasing demand efficiently. Consensus Process 1. Validator Selection: - Validators are selected to propose and validate blocks based on the amount of NEAR tokens staked. This selection process is designed to ensure that only validators with significant stakes and community trust participate in securing the network. 2. Transaction Finality: - NEAR achieves transaction finality through its PoS-based system, where validators vote on blocks. Once two-thirds of validators approve a block, it reaches finality under Doomslug, meaning that no forks can alter the confirmed state. 3. Epochs and Rotation: - Validators are rotated in epochs to ensure fairness and decentralization. Epochs are intervals in which validators are reshuffled, and new block proposers are selected, ensuring a balance between performance and decentralization. Optimism is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that uses Optimistic Rollups to increase transaction throughput and reduce costs while inheriting the security of the Ethereum main chain. Core Components 1. Optimistic Rollups: Rollup Blocks: Transactions are batched into rollup blocks and processed off-chain. State Commitments: The state of these transactions is periodically committed to the Ethereum main chain. 2. Sequencers: Transaction Ordering: Sequencers are responsible for ordering transactions and creating batches. State Updates: Sequencers update the state of the rollup and submit these updates to the Ethereum main chain. Block Production: They construct and execute Layer 2 blocks, which are then posted to Ethereum. 3. Fraud Proofs: Assumption of Validity: Transactions are assumed to be valid by default. Challenge Period: A specific time window during which anyone can challenge a transaction by submitting a fraud proof. Dispute Resolution: If a transaction is challenged, an interactive verification game is played to determine its validity. If fraud is detected, the invalid state is rolled back, and the dishonest participant is penalized. Consensus Process 1. Transaction Submission: Users submit transactions to the sequencer, which orders them into batches. 2. Batch Processing: The sequencer processes these transactions off-chain, updating the Layer 2 state. 3. State Commitment: The updated state and the batch of transactions are periodically committed to the Ethereum main chain. This is done by posting the state root (a cryptographic hash representing the state) and transaction data as calldata on Ethereum. 4. Fraud Proofs and Challenges: Once a batch is posted, there is a challenge period during which anyone can submit a fraud proof if they believe a transaction is invalid. Interactive Verification: The dispute is resolved through an interactive verification game, which involves breaking down the transaction into smaller steps to identify the exact point of fraud. Rollbacks and Penalties: If fraud is proven, the batch is rolled back, and the dishonest actor loses their staked collateral as a penalty. 5. Finality: After the challenge period, if no fraud proof is submitted, the batch is considered final. This means the transactions are accepted as valid, and the state updates are permanent. Polygon, formerly known as Matic Network, is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that employs a hybrid consensus mechanism. Here’s a detailed explanation of how Polygon achieves consensus: Core Concepts 1. Proof of Stake (PoS): Validator Selection: Validators on the Polygon network are selected based on the number of MATIC tokens they have staked. The more tokens staked, the higher the chance of being selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks. Delegation: Token holders who do not wish to run a validator node can delegate their MATIC tokens to validators. Delegators share in the rewards earned by validators. 2. Plasma Chains: Off-Chain Scaling: Plasma is a framework for creating child chains that operate alongside the main Ethereum chain. These child chains can process transactions off-chain and submit only the final state to the Ethereum main chain, significantly increasing throughput and reducing congestion. Fraud Proofs: Plasma uses a fraud-proof mechanism to ensure the security of off-chain transactions. If a fraudulent transaction is detected, it can be challenged and reverted. Consensus Process 3. Transaction Validation: Transactions are first validated by validators who have staked MATIC tokens. These validators confirm the validity of transactions and include them in blocks. 4. Block Production: Proposing and Voting: Validators propose new blocks based on their staked tokens and participate in a voting process to reach consensus on the next block. The block with the majority of votes is added to the blockchain. Checkpointing: Polygon uses periodic checkpointing, where snapshots of the Polygon sidechain are submitted to the Ethereum main chain. This process ensures the security and finality of transactions on the Polygon network. 5. Plasma Framework: Child Chains: Transactions can be processed on child chains created using the Plasma framework. These transactions are validated off-chain and only the final state is submitted to the Ethereum main chain. Fraud Proofs: If a fraudulent transaction occurs, it can be challenged within a certain period using fraud proofs. This mechanism ensures the integrity of off-chain transactions. Security and Economic Incentives 6. Incentives for Validators: Staking Rewards: Validators earn rewards for staking MATIC tokens and participating in the consensus process. These rewards are distributed in MATIC tokens and are proportional to the amount staked and the performance of the validator. Transaction Fees: Validators also earn a portion of the transaction fees paid by users. This provides an additional financial incentive to maintain the network’s integrity and efficiency. 7. Delegation: Shared Rewards: Delegators earn a share of the rewards earned by the validators they delegate to. This encourages more token holders to participate in securing the network by choosing reliable validators. 8. Economic Security: Slashing: Validators can be penalized for malicious behavior or failure to perform their duties. This penalty, known as slashing, involves the loss of a portion of their staked tokens, ensuring that validators act in the best interest of the network. Solana uses a unique combination of Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS) to achieve high throughput, low latency, and robust security. Here’s a detailed explanation of how these mechanisms work: Core Concepts 1. Proof of History (PoH): Time-Stamped Transactions: PoH is a cryptographic technique that timestamps transactions, creating a historical record that proves that an event has occurred at a specific moment in time. Verifiable Delay Function: PoH uses a Verifiable Delay Function (VDF) to generate a unique hash that includes the transaction and the time it was processed. This sequence of hashes provides a verifiable order of events, enabling the network to efficiently agree on the sequence of transactions. 2. Proof of Stake (PoS): Validator Selection: Validators are chosen to produce new blocks based on the number of SOL tokens they have staked. The more tokens staked, the higher the chance of being selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks. Delegation: Token holders can delegate their SOL tokens to validators, earning rewards proportional to their stake while enhancing the network's security. Consensus Process 1. Transaction Validation: Transactions are broadcast to the network and collected by validators. Each transaction is validated to ensure it meets the network’s criteria, such as having correct signatures and sufficient funds. 2. PoH Sequence Generation: A validator generates a sequence of hashes using PoH, each containing a timestamp and the previous hash. This process creates a historical record of transactions, establishing a cryptographic clock for the network. 3. Block Production: The network uses PoS to select a leader validator based on their stake. The leader is responsible for bundling the validated transactions into a block. The leader validator uses the PoH sequence to order transactions within the block, ensuring that all transactions are processed in the correct order. 4. Consensus and Finalization: Other validators verify the block produced by the leader validator. They check the correctness of the PoH sequence and validate the transactions within the block. Once the block is verified, it is added to the blockchain. Validators sign off on the block, and it is considered finalized. Security and Economic Incentives 1. Incentives for Validators: Block Rewards: Validators earn rewards for producing and validating blocks. These rewards are distributed in SOL tokens and are proportional to the validator’s stake and performance. Transaction Fees: Validators also earn transaction fees from the transactions included in the blocks they produce. These fees provide an additional incentive for validators to process transactions efficiently. 2. Security: Staking: Validators must stake SOL tokens to participate in the consensus process. This staking acts as collateral, incentivizing validators to act honestly. If a validator behaves maliciously or fails to perform, they risk losing their staked tokens. Delegated Staking: Token holders can delegate their SOL tokens to validators, enhancing network security and decentralization. Delegators share in the rewards and are incentivized to choose reliable validators. 3. Economic Penalties: Slashing: Validators can be penalized for malicious behavior, such as double-signing or producing invalid blocks. This penalty, known as slashing, results in the loss of a portion of the staked tokens, discouraging dishonest actions.
Механізми заохочення й відповідні комісії
Synthetix Network is present on the following networks: avalanche, binance_smart_chain, ethereum, fantom, near_protocol, optimism, polygon, solana. Avalanche uses a consensus mechanism known as Avalanche Consensus, which relies on a combination of validators, staking, and a novel approach to consensus to ensure the network's security and integrity. Validators: Staking: Validators on the Avalanche network are required to stake AVAX tokens. The amount staked influences their probability of being selected to propose or validate new blocks. Rewards: Validators earn rewards for their participation in the consensus process. These rewards are proportional to the amount of AVAX staked and their uptime and performance in validating transactions. Delegation: Validators can also accept delegations from other token holders. Delegators share in the rewards based on the amount they delegate, which incentivizes smaller holders to participate indirectly in securing the network. 2. Economic Incentives: Block Rewards: Validators receive block rewards for proposing and validating blocks. These rewards are distributed from the network’s inflationary issuance of AVAX tokens. Transaction Fees: Validators also earn a portion of the transaction fees paid by users. This includes fees for simple transactions, smart contract interactions, and the creation of new assets on the network. 3. Penalties: Slashing: Unlike some other PoS systems, Avalanche does not employ slashing (i.e., the confiscation of staked tokens) as a penalty for misbehavior. Instead, the network relies on the financial disincentive of lost future rewards for validators who are not consistently online or act maliciously. o Uptime Requirements: Validators must maintain a high level of uptime and correctly validate transactions to continue earning rewards. Poor performance or malicious actions result in missed rewards, providing a strong economic incentive to act honestly. Fees on the Avalanche Blockchain 1. Transaction Fees: Dynamic Fees: Transaction fees on Avalanche are dynamic, varying based on network demand and the complexity of the transactions. This ensures that fees remain fair and proportional to the network's usage. Fee Burning: A portion of the transaction fees is burned, permanently removing them from circulation. This deflationary mechanism helps to balance the inflation from block rewards and incentivizes token holders by potentially increasing the value of AVAX over time. 2. Smart Contract Fees: Execution Costs: Fees for deploying and interacting with smart contracts are determined by the computational resources required. These fees ensure that the network remains efficient and that resources are used responsibly. 3. Asset Creation Fees: New Asset Creation: There are fees associated with creating new assets (tokens) on the Avalanche network. These fees help to prevent spam and ensure that only serious projects use the network's resources. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) uses the Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) consensus mechanism to ensure network security and incentivize participation from validators and delegators. Incentive Mechanisms 1. Validators: Staking Rewards: Validators must stake a significant amount of BNB to participate in the consensus process. They earn rewards in the form of transaction fees and block rewards. Selection Process: Validators are selected based on the amount of BNB staked and the votes received from delegators. The more BNB staked and votes received, the higher the chances of being selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks. 2. Delegators: Delegated Staking: Token holders can delegate their BNB to validators. This delegation increases the validator's total stake and improves their chances of being selected to produce blocks. Shared Rewards: Delegators earn a portion of the rewards that validators receive. This incentivizes token holders to participate in the network’s security and decentralization by choosing reliable validators. 3. Candidates: Pool of Potential Validators: Candidates are nodes that have staked the required amount of BNB and are waiting to become active validators. They ensure that there is always a sufficient pool of nodes ready to take on validation tasks, maintaining network resilience. 4. Economic Security: Slashing: Validators can be penalized for malicious behavior or failure to perform their duties. Penalties include slashing a portion of their staked tokens, ensuring that validators act in the best interest of the network. Opportunity Cost: Staking requires validators and delegators to lock up their BNB tokens, providing an economic incentive to act honestly to avoid losing their staked assets. Fees on the Binance Smart Chain 5. Transaction Fees: Low Fees: BSC is known for its low transaction fees compared to other blockchain networks. These fees are paid in BNB and are essential for maintaining network operations and compensating validators. Dynamic Fee Structure: Transaction fees can vary based on network congestion and the complexity of the transactions. However, BSC ensures that fees remain significantly lower than those on the Ethereum mainnet. 6. Block Rewards: Incentivizing Validators: Validators earn block rewards in addition to transaction fees. These rewards are distributed to validators for their role in maintaining the network and processing transactions. 7. Cross-Chain Fees: Interoperability Costs: BSC supports cross-chain compatibility, allowing assets to be transferred between Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain. These cross-chain operations incur minimal fees, facilitating seamless asset transfers and improving user experience. 8. Smart Contract Fees: Deployment and Execution Costs: Deploying and interacting with smart contracts on BSC involves paying fees based on the computational resources required. These fees are also paid in BNB and are designed to be cost-effective, encouraging developers to build on the BSC platform. Ethereum, particularly after transitioning to Ethereum 2.0 (Eth2), employs a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to secure its network. The incentives for validators and the fee structures play crucial roles in maintaining the security and efficiency of the blockchain. Incentive Mechanisms 1. Staking Rewards: Validator Rewards: Validators are essential to the PoS mechanism. They are responsible for proposing and validating new blocks. To participate, they must stake a minimum of 32 ETH. In return, they earn rewards for their contributions, which are paid out in ETH. These rewards are a combination of newly minted ETH and transaction fees from the blocks they validate. Reward Rate: The reward rate for validators is dynamic and depends on the total amount of ETH staked in the network. The more ETH staked, the lower the individual reward rate, and vice versa. This is designed to balance the network's security and the incentive to participate. 2. Transaction Fees: Base Fee: After the implementation of Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559, the transaction fee model changed to include a base fee that is burned (i.e., removed from circulation). This base fee adjusts dynamically based on network demand, aiming to stabilize transaction fees and reduce volatility. Priority Fee (Tip): Users can also include a priority fee (tip) to incentivize validators to include their transactions more quickly. This fee goes directly to the validators, providing them with an additional incentive to process transactions efficiently. 3. Penalties for Malicious Behavior: Slashing: Validators face penalties (slashing) if they engage in malicious behavior, such as double-signing or validating incorrect information. Slashing results in the loss of a portion of their staked ETH, discouraging bad actors and ensuring that validators act in the network's best interest. Inactivity Penalties: Validators also face penalties for prolonged inactivity. This ensures that validators remain active and engaged in maintaining the network's security and operation. Fees Applicable on the Ethereum Blockchain 1. Gas Fees: Calculation: Gas fees are calculated based on the computational complexity of transactions and smart contract executions. Each operation on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) has an associated gas cost. Dynamic Adjustment: The base fee introduced by EIP-1559 dynamically adjusts according to network congestion. When demand for block space is high, the base fee increases, and when demand is low, it decreases. 2. Smart Contract Fees: Deployment and Interaction: Deploying a smart contract on Ethereum involves paying gas fees proportional to the contract's complexity and size. Interacting with deployed smart contracts (e.g., executing functions, transferring tokens) also incurs gas fees. Optimizations: Developers are incentivized to optimize their smart contracts to minimize gas usage, making transactions more cost-effective for users. 3. Asset Transfer Fees: Token Transfers: Transferring ERC-20 or other token standards involves gas fees. These fees vary based on the token's contract implementation and the current network demand. Fantom’s incentive model promotes network security through staking rewards, transaction fees, and delegation options, encouraging broad participation. Incentive Mechanisms: 1. Staking Rewards for Validators: Earning Rewards in FTM: Validators who participate in the consensus process earn rewards in FTM tokens, proportional to the amount they have staked. This incentivizes validators to actively secure the network. Dynamic Staking Rate: Fantom’s staking reward rate is dynamic, adjusting based on total FTM staked across the network. As more FTM is staked, individual rewards may decrease, maintaining a balanced reward structure that supports long-term network security. 2. Delegation for Token Holders: Delegated Staking: Users who do not operate validator nodes can delegate their FTM tokens to validators. In return, they share in the staking rewards, encouraging wider participation in securing the network. Applicable Fees: • Transaction Fees in FTM: Users pay transaction fees in FTM tokens. The network’s high throughput and DAG structure keep fees low, making Fantom ideal for decentralized applications (dApps) requiring frequent transactions. • Efficient Fee Model: The low fees and scalability of the network make it cost-effective for users, fostering a favorable environment for high-volume applications. NEAR Protocol employs several economic mechanisms to secure the network and incentivize participation: Incentive Mechanisms to Secure Transactions: 1. Staking Rewards: Validators and delegators secure the network by staking NEAR tokens. Validators earn around 5% annual inflation, with 90% of newly minted tokens distributed as staking rewards. Validators propose blocks, validate transactions, and receive a share of these rewards based on their staked tokens. Delegators earn rewards proportional to their delegation, encouraging broad participation. 2. Delegation: Token holders can delegate their NEAR tokens to validators to increase the validator's stake and improve the chances of being selected to validate transactions. Delegators share in the validator's rewards based on their delegated tokens, incentivizing users to support reliable validators. 3. Slashing and Economic Penalties: Validators face penalties for malicious behavior, such as failing to validate correctly or acting dishonestly. The slashing mechanism enforces security by deducting a portion of their staked tokens, ensuring validators follow the network's best interests. 4. Epoch Rotation and Validator Selection: Validators are rotated regularly during epochs to ensure fairness and prevent centralization. Each epoch reshuffles validators, allowing the protocol to balance decentralization with performance. Fees on the NEAR Blockchain: 1. Transaction Fees: Users pay fees in NEAR tokens for transaction processing, which are burned to reduce the total circulating supply, introducing a potential deflationary effect over time. Validators also receive a portion of transaction fees as additional rewards, providing an ongoing incentive for network maintenance. 2. Storage Fees: NEAR Protocol charges storage fees based on the amount of blockchain storage consumed by accounts, contracts, and data. This requires users to hold NEAR tokens as a deposit proportional to their storage usage, ensuring the efficient use of network resources. 3. Redistribution and Burning: A portion of the transaction fees (burned NEAR tokens) reduces the overall supply, while the rest is distributed to validators as compensation for their work. The burning mechanism helps maintain long-term economic sustainability and potential value appreciation for NEAR holders. 4. Reserve Requirement: Users must maintain a minimum account balance and reserves for data storage, encouraging efficient use of resources and preventing spam attacks. Optimism, an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution, uses Optimistic Rollups to increase transaction throughput and reduce costs while maintaining security and decentralization. Here's an in-depth look at the incentive mechanisms and applicable fees within the Optimism protocol: Incentive Mechanisms 1. Sequencers: Transaction Ordering: Sequencers are responsible for ordering and batching transactions off-chain. They play a critical role in maintaining the efficiency and speed of the network. Economic Incentives: Sequencers earn transaction fees from users. These fees incentivize sequencers to process transactions quickly and accurately. 2. Validators and Fraud Proofs: Assumption of Validity: In Optimistic Rollups, transactions are assumed to be valid by default. This allows for quick transaction finality. Challenge Mechanism: Validators (or anyone) can challenge the validity of a transaction by submitting a fraud proof during a specified challenge period. This mechanism ensures that invalid transactions are detected and reverted. Challenge Rewards: Successful challengers are rewarded for identifying and proving fraudulent transactions. This incentivizes participants to actively monitor the network for invalid transactions, thereby enhancing security. 3. Economic Penalties: Fraud Proof Penalties: If a sequencer includes an invalid transaction and it is successfully challenged, they face economic penalties, such as losing a portion of their staked collateral. This discourages dishonest behavior. Inactivity and Misbehavior: Validators and sequencers are also incentivized to remain active and behave correctly, as inactivity or misbehavior can lead to penalties and loss of rewards. Fees Applicable on the Optimism Layer 2 Protocol 1. Transaction Fees: Layer 2 Transaction Fees: Users pay fees for transactions processed on the Layer 2 network. These fees are generally lower than Ethereum mainnet fees due to the reduced computational load on the main chain. Cost Efficiency: By batching multiple transactions into a single batch, Optimism reduces the overall cost per transaction, making it more economical for users. 2. L1 Data Fees: Posting Batches to Ethereum: Periodically, the state updates from Layer 2 transactions are posted to the Ethereum mainnet as calldata. This involves a fee known as the L1 data fee, which covers the gas cost of publishing these state updates on Ethereum. Cost Sharing: The fixed costs of posting state updates to Ethereum are spread across multiple transactions within a batch, reducing the cost burden on individual transactions. 3. Smart Contract Fees: Execution Costs: Fees for deploying and interacting with smart contracts on Optimism are based on the computational resources required. This ensures that users are charged proportionally for the resources they consume. Polygon uses a combination of Proof of Stake (PoS) and the Plasma framework to ensure network security, incentivize participation, and maintain transaction integrity. Incentive Mechanisms 1. Validators: Staking Rewards: Validators on Polygon secure the network by staking MATIC tokens. They are selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks based on the number of tokens they have staked. Validators earn rewards in the form of newly minted MATIC tokens and transaction fees for their services. Block Production: Validators are responsible for proposing and voting on new blocks. The selected validator proposes a block, and other validators verify and validate it. Validators are incentivized to act honestly and efficiently to earn rewards and avoid penalties. Checkpointing: Validators periodically submit checkpoints to the Ethereum main chain, ensuring the security and finality of transactions processed on Polygon. This provides an additional layer of security by leveraging Ethereum's robustness. 2. Delegators: Delegation: Token holders who do not wish to run a validator node can delegate their MATIC tokens to trusted validators. Delegators earn a portion of the rewards earned by the validators, incentivizing them to choose reliable and performant validators. Shared Rewards: Rewards earned by validators are shared with delegators, based on the proportion of tokens delegated. This system encourages widespread participation and enhances the network's decentralization. 3. Economic Security: Slashing: Validators can be penalized through a process called slashing if they engage in malicious behavior or fail to perform their duties correctly. This includes double-signing or going offline for extended periods. Slashing results in the loss of a portion of the staked tokens, acting as a strong deterrent against dishonest actions. Bond Requirements: Validators are required to bond a significant amount of MATIC tokens to participate in the consensus process, ensuring they have a vested interest in maintaining network security and integrity. Fees on the Polygon Blockchain 4. Transaction Fees: Low Fees: One of Polygon's main advantages is its low transaction fees compared to the Ethereum main chain. The fees are paid in MATIC tokens and are designed to be affordable to encourage high transaction throughput and user adoption. Dynamic Fees: Fees on Polygon can vary depending on network congestion and transaction complexity. However, they remain significantly lower than those on Ethereum, making Polygon an attractive option for users and developers. 5. Smart Contract Fees: Deployment and Execution Costs: Deploying and interacting with smart contracts on Polygon incurs fees based on the computational resources required. These fees are also paid in MATIC tokens and are much lower than on Ethereum, making it cost-effective for developers to build and maintain decentralized applications (dApps) on Polygon. 6. Plasma Framework: State Transfers and Withdrawals: The Plasma framework allows for off-chain processing of transactions, which are periodically batched and committed to the Ethereum main chain. Fees associated with these processes are also paid in MATIC tokens, and they help reduce the overall cost of using the network. Solana uses a combination of Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS) to secure its network and validate transactions. Here’s a detailed explanation of the incentive mechanisms and applicable fees: Incentive Mechanisms 4. Validators: Staking Rewards: Validators are chosen based on the number of SOL tokens they have staked. They earn rewards for producing and validating blocks, which are distributed in SOL. The more tokens staked, the higher the chances of being selected to validate transactions and produce new blocks. Transaction Fees: Validators earn a portion of the transaction fees paid by users for the transactions they include in the blocks. This provides an additional financial incentive for validators to process transactions efficiently and maintain the network's integrity. 5. Delegators: Delegated Staking: Token holders who do not wish to run a validator node can delegate their SOL tokens to a validator. In return, delegators share in the rewards earned by the validators. This encourages widespread participation in securing the network and ensures decentralization. 6. Economic Security: Slashing: Validators can be penalized for malicious behavior, such as producing invalid blocks or being frequently offline. This penalty, known as slashing, involves the loss of a portion of their staked tokens. Slashing deters dishonest actions and ensures that validators act in the best interest of the network. Opportunity Cost: By staking SOL tokens, validators and delegators lock up their tokens, which could otherwise be used or sold. This opportunity cost incentivizes participants to act honestly to earn rewards and avoid penalties. Fees Applicable on the Solana Blockchain 7. Transaction Fees: Low and Predictable Fees: Solana is designed to handle a high throughput of transactions, which helps keep fees low and predictable. The average transaction fee on Solana is significantly lower compared to other blockchains like Ethereum. Fee Structure: Fees are paid in SOL and are used to compensate validators for the resources they expend to process transactions. This includes computational power and network bandwidth. 8. Rent Fees: State Storage: Solana charges rent fees for storing data on the blockchain. These fees are designed to discourage inefficient use of state storage and encourage developers to clean up unused state. Rent fees help maintain the efficiency and performance of the network. 9. Smart Contract Fees: Execution Costs: Similar to transaction fees, fees for deploying and interacting with smart contracts on Solana are based on the computational resources required. This ensures that users are charged proportionally for the resources they consume.
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Звіт про споживання енергії
Споживання енергії
831.50093 (kWh/a)
Джерела й методики споживання енергії
The energy consumption of this asset is aggregated across multiple components: To determine the energy consumption of a token, the energy consumption of the network(s) ethereum, avalanche, polygon, solana, optimism, near_protocol, fantom, binance_smart_chain is calculated first. Based on the crypto asset's gas consumption per network, the share of the total consumption of the respective network that is assigned to this asset is defined. When calculating the energy consumption, we used - if available - the Functionally Fungible Group Digital Token Identifier (FFG DTI) to determine all implementations of the asset of question in scope and we update the mappings regulary, based on data of the Digital Token Identifier Foundation.
Соціальний вміст на цій сторінці (далі «Вміст»), зокрема твіти й статистика від LunarCrush, надається третіми сторонами на умовах «як є» лише з інформаційною метою. OKX не гарантує якість або точність Вмісту, а Вміст не відображає погляди OKX. Він не є (i) інвестиційною консультацією чи рекомендацією; (ii) пропозицією або заохоченням купувати, продавати чи утримувати цифрові активи; (iii) фінансовою, бухгалтерською, юридичною чи податковою консультацією. Цифрові активи, зокрема стейблкоїни й NFT, пов’язані з високим ризиком, а їхня вартість може сильно коливатися. Ціна й продуктивність цифрових активів не гарантуються та можуть змінюватися без попередження. OKX не надає рекомендацій щодо інвестицій або активів. Ви повинні ретельно обдумати, чи підходить вам торгівля цифровими активами або їх утримання, виходячи з вашого фінансового стану. Щодо ваших конкретних обставин порадьтеся з юридичним, податковим чи інвестиційним фахівцем. Щоб дізнатися більше, перегляньте наші Умови використання й Попередження про ризики. Використовуючи вебсайт третьої сторони (далі — «Сторонній вебсайт»), ви погоджуєтеся, що будь-яке використання Стороннього вебсайту регулюється умовами Стороннього вебсайту. Якщо це прямо не зазначено в письмовій формі, OKX і партнери компанії (далі — «OKX») жодним чином не пов’язані з власником або оператором Стороннього вебсайту. Ви погоджуєтеся, що OKX не несе відповідальності за жодні втрати, збитки й інші наслідки, що виникають у результаті використання вами Стороннього вебсайту. Зверніть увагу, що використання Стороннього вебсайту може призвести до втрати або зменшення ваших активів. Продукт може бути доступний не в усіх юрисдикціях.
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Калькулятор SNX