
Crypto and AI: friends or enemies?

It’s impossible to ignore the influence artificial intelligence (AI) is having on our lives today — and it's just the beginning. AI is also leaving its mark, inevitably, on crypto. To understand what's going on, here's our recap of five areas where AI is impacting crypto in a big way. 👇

1. Can AI make us smarter traders?

The idea of setting ChatGPT loose on a trading platform to return glorious profits is a wonderful fantasy, but is exactly that — a fantasy. However, that’s not to say AI doesn’t have a role to play in supporting traders. Can AI make us smarter traders? Read on to find out.

AI might make you a smarter trader

2. AI and self-custody: one or the other?

Self-custody is a pillar of decentralization and one of the most important values of crypto in general. AI, on the other hand, seems to be putting tech back into centralizing dynamics. Can we have the best of both worlds?

How AI is fueling self-custody’s emergence

3. AI vs. crypto fraud

Crypto’s fight against malicious actors may be one with no end, but OKX is doing everything possible to keep users and their funds safe. AI has emerged as a powerful force in stopping fraud. Read on to discover how we wield it.

How we use AI to fight fraud and bad actors

4. AI-generated bitcoin doughnut art

Specialized AI tools can now turn human prompts into striking art. It was inevitable then that AI would be used to generate NFTs. But, it’s far more complicated than asking the tool to create something and putting the end product up for sale. In this piece we look at how AI is transforming the NFT market.

How generative AI is transforming the NFT space

5. Proof of humanity

The harmful misuse of AI replication tools is making it harder for people to prove they are who they say they are. How does society address this negative consequence of AI’s rise? Here are some answers.

Proof of humanity: decentralized identity in the age of AI replication

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