
Five New Trading Features to Use When Trading on the Go

Here are five new trading features to help you stay on top of your trades.

Zoom In And Focus With Fullscreen Mode

When trading on the go, switch to the fullscreen mode to draw trend lines and Fibonacci retracement and zoom in to the chart using the adjustable y-axis scale. Learn more.

Fullscreen mode on OKX App

Adjust your TPSL by dragging the order line

You can easily set order-level TPSL using the order line. Drag the TP or SL button to your desired price level to modify the order. The estimated P&L for the TP or SL will be displayed on the TPSL line. Learn More.


Reverse Your Position With a Single Tap

You can close or reverse your position on a single button. Upon executing the order, the position line will update to reflect the new position with the corresponding colour.

Reverse Order

Review Your Trading History

Learning from your past trades is crucial for improving your trading skills. Be sure to review your trading history and access the details of each trade on the order history page.


Turn on the data indicators

You can gain insights on the trading volume and market sentiments with these five distinct indicators indicators. Visualise trading volume and gauge market sentiment to keep you well-informed and ahead of the market.

  1. Open Interest

  2. Top Traders Long/short ratio (Account)

  3. Top Traders Long/short ratio (Position)

  4. Long/short account ratio

  5. Taker buy/sell volume

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