
Strengthening Our Executive Leadership Team: Yuri Mushkin Appointed as Global Chief Risk Officer

Today, we're happy to announce the appointment of Yuri Mushkin as our Global Chief Risk Officer, based in Singapore.

Yuri joins us from McKinsey Investment Office ("MIO") Partners, a global investment advisory institution which manages over USD20B across public and private markets. He brings over two decades of capital markets and risk management experience across traditional and digital assets, serving in executive roles at multinational companies such as Goldman Sachs and McKinsey & Co. In his current role, Mushkin leads our firm's global risk strategy and a business-independent enterprise risk function, reporting directly to the CEO and Board of Directors.

Strong risk management has always been a top priority for us and part of our DNA. We've demonstrated our resilience over more than 10 years navigating multiple crypto market cycles and our global stakeholders now include the leading regulatory agencies, financial institutions and corporate partners. We're thrilled to welcome Yuri as our Global Chief Risk Officer. His appointment is part of our continued investment in building products that meet the high expectations of our customers and global stakeholders.

We're committed to building responsibly around the world. On October 10, we announced that we are now operationally live and licensed in the UAE. With the announcement, we became the first global crypto company in UAE to offer AED banking rails for its retail and institutional customers.

In September, we announced that our local entity, OKX SG Pte. Ltd. (OKX SG), received a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

In July, we designated Malta as our Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) hub, which will allow our exchange to offer products and services to over 450 million EU residents in the coming months.

We're dedicated to transparency and publish our Proof of Reserves on a monthly basis.

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