
Our Investment Arm OKX Ventures and Aptos Foundation Jointly Launch Ecosystem Growth Fund and Accelerator to Boost Aptos Ecosystem Growth

  • The fund will create an accelerator program to foster the growth of key projects on Aptos related to infrastructure, DeFi protocols, real-world assets, GameFi and more.

Our investment arm OKX Ventures and Aptos Foundation, a global blockchain leader, today jointly announced the launch of a new USD $10 million fund aimed at supporting the growth of the Aptos ecosystem and widespread adoption of Web3.

The fund will be used to develop an accelerator program, operated in partnership with Ankaa and intended to bolster the growth of quality projects and applications built on Aptos - a scalable Layer 1 Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain that uses the Move programming language to make on-chain transactions more reliable, easier-to-use, and secure. The accelerator will provide selected Aptos ecosystem projects with venture support, focused mentorship, go-to-market exposure, and access to the extensive network of experts from our team, Ankaa and Aptos Foundation combined.

A panel of judges from the Aptos Foundation, our investment arm OKX Ventures and Ankaa teams will kick off the program by choosing five promising projects to include in this September’s inaugural accelerator cohort. Ankaa will serve as the initial investor in accepted projects and run the accelerator’s daily operations. The accelerator’s key focus areas will initially include, but are not limited to, infrastructure, DeFi, RWA, gaming, social, AI, and other dApps critical to the growth and evolution of the Aptos ecosystem and Web3 in general.

Over the past two years, OKX Ventures has invested in over 300 projects across five continents with a fund size of approximately USD $1 billion, covering almost all investment tracks. Through the partnership with Aptos Foundation, OKX Ventures aims to double down its support and exploration of cutting-edge blockchain innovation and high-quality projects, committing to driving long-term value for the ecosystem.

Applications for the Ankaa accelerator program are set to open this August. Our investment arm OKX Ventures, Aptos Foundation, and Ankaa welcome all interested developers and projects to connect with their teams via https://ankaalabs.typeform.com/accelerator

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