Build swap applications on the Ton network#
Build single-chain applications#
In this guide, we’ll provide an example token swap through OKX DEX, using Ton from the Ton network to purchase JETTON. The process is as follows:
- Set up your environment
- Request the /quote endpoint and get the quote data
- Request the /swap endpoint send the swap transaction
1. Set up your environment#
# --------------------- npm package ---------------------
npm install @ton/ton @ton/crypto @ton/core buffer @orbs-network/ton-access
const cryptoJS = require('crypto-js'); // Import encryption modules for subsequent encryption calculations
const { TonClient, WalletContractV4, internal } = require("@ton/ton");
const { toNano, Cell } = require("@ton/core");
const { mnemonicToPrivateKey } = require("@ton/crypto");
const { getHttpEndpoint } = require("@orbs-network/ton-access");
// --------------------- environment variable ---------------------
const apiBaseUrl = '';
const chainId = '607';
// Native token contract address
// JETTON token contract address
const toTokenAddress = 'EQAQXlWJvGbbFfE8F3oS8s87lIgdovS455IsWFaRdmJetTon';
// your wallet address
const user = 'UQDoI2kiSNQZxxxxxxxxxxxx6lM2ZSxKkEw3k1'
const fromAmount = '1000000'
// user wallet private key
const privateKey = 'xxxxx';
// open api Secret key
const secretkey = 'xxxxx'
// Get the current time
const date = new Date();
// --------------------- util function ---------------------
function getAggregatorRequestUrl(methodName, queryParams) {
return apiBaseUrl + methodName + '?' + (new URLSearchParams(queryParams)).toString();
// Check for api-key
const headersParams = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
// The api Key obtained from the previous application
'OK-ACCESS-KEY': 'xxxxx',
'OK-ACCESS-SIGN': cryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(
// The field order of headersParams should be consistent with the order of quoteParams.
// example : quote ==> cryptoJS.HmacSHA256(date.toISOString() + 'GET' + '/api/v5/dex/aggregator/quote?amount=1000000&chainId=607&toTokenAddress=EQAQXlWJvGbbFfE8F3oS8s87lIgdovS455IsWFaRdmJetTon&fromTokenAddress=EQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM9c', secretKey)
cryptoJS.HmacSHA256(date.toISOString() + 'GET' + '/api/v5/dex/aggregator/xxx/xxx/xxx', secretKey)
// Convert the current time to the desired format
'OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP': date.toISOString(),
// The password created when applying for the key
Additional receiving addresses aren’t supported.
2. Request the /quote endpoint and get the quote data#
2.1 Define quote parameters#
- Next, define the parameters to get basic information of the quote and the router list.
const quoteParams = {
amount: fromAmount,
chainId: chainId,
toTokenAddress: toTokenAddress,
fromTokenAddress: fromTokenAddress,
2.2 Define helper functions#
- Define helper functions to interact with the DEX API.
const getQuote = async () => {
const apiRequestUrl = getAggregatorRequestUrl('/quote', quoteParams);
return fetch(apiRequestUrl, {
method: 'get',
headers: headersParams,
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((res) => {
return res;
3. Request the /swap endpoint and sent transaction#
3.1 Define swap parameters#
- Next, define the parameters of the swap, and get the tx information.
const swapParams = {
chainId: 1,
fromTokenAddress: 'fromTokenAddress',
toTokenAddress: 'toTokenAddress',
amount: '1000000',
slippage: '0.03',
userWalletAddress: user
3.2 Define helper functions#
Define helper functions to interact with the DEX API
const getSwapData = async () => {
const apiRequestUrl = getAggregatorRequestUrl('/swap', swapParams);
return fetch(apiRequestUrl, {
method: 'get',
headers: headersParams,
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((res) => {
return res;
3.3 Request the /swap endpoint and send the transaction#
let tx = {
"data": "te6cckEBBAEAwAABsA+KfqUAALgW1FkYQkBfXhAIAK3+NxydEq8Qc4csyQ7botOnBqxp3L54Fn7Zof9EjDx5ADoI2kiSNQZdnOIVsRSLrVMtiBySHg0Lt6lM2ZSxKkEwyC592wEBAZ8RMwAAAvrwgIALyzu3/eo7h8wFCa+0XsOg6z0IG/43fUuMnumWS8xS91AD0F/w35CTWUxTWRjefoV+400KRA2jX51X4ezIgmUUY/0AX5sDCAIBAQwDABgAAAABAAAAAAAAA+cKUcDO",
"from": "UQDoI2kiSNQZdnOIVsRSLrVMtiBySHg0Lt6lM2ZSxKkEw3k1",
"gas": "80234000",
"gasPrice": "5000",
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": "",
"minReceiveAmount": "25062412",
"to": "UQBXp1W7_UJWvsBrbaO8s-9i8O53s7hNNeZ0XqEEz12i0oDS",
"value": "440000000"
// This is the response of the /swap endpoint
async function sendTx() {
const endpoint = await getHttpEndpoint();
const client = new TonClient({ endpoint });
const mnemonic = ['range', 'xxxxxx']; // Your mnemonic words Decimal conversion
const keyPair = await mnemonicToPrivateKey(mnemonic);
const wallet = WalletContractV4.create({workchain: 0, publicKey: keyPair.publicKey});
const contract =
let seqno = await contract.getSeqno();
const body = Cell.fromBase64(;
const value = tx.value / Math.pow(10, 9); // Decimal conversion
const to =;
await contract.sendTransfer({
secretKey: keyPair.secretKey,
messages: [internal({
value: toNano(value),
body: body,