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OKX Launches 'Be a Crypto Player' Web3 Campaign in India During International Cricket Final

Mumbai, India, November 19 -- OKX, a leading Web3 technology company, today launched its cricket-themed 'Be a Crypto Player' Web3 ad campaign in India. Strategically timed to coincide with the 2023 international cricket championship final between India and Australia in Ahmedabad on November 19, the campaign positions OKX as a key Web3 player in India and showcases its comprehensive suite of Web3 products.

Scheduled to launch with a prominent takeover of X (formerly known as Twitter) across the Indian market on November 19, the ad campaign revolves around a character named Ajay, who is engrossed in the international cricket championship final. In the ad, Ajay hears the voice of OKX encouraging him to become a crypto player and join a community of millions in a new economic system powered by Web3.

The goal of the ad is to inspire the wider audience to embrace the world of Web3 via the OKX Wallet, which makes crypto accessible for everyone. The ad highlights the benefits of OKX's all-in-one Web3 wallet, which provides access to 200,000 tokens via its DEX aggregator, as well as thousands of NFTs and DApps across nearly 80 blockchains. The ad, available in Hindi in addition to English, also marks OKX's recent addition of Hindi support to its Web3 wallet.

OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique said: "India's growing enthusiasm for crypto and its position as a significant market for Web3 users have made us prioritize the country in our expansion efforts. The campaign aims to introduce the Indian market to the world of Web3, encouraging users to explore the countless possibilities offered by blockchain technology. It also reflects our commitment to driving the widespread adoption of this revolutionary technology in the country, while encouraging people to learn about Web3 and its applications in a responsible way.”

This campaign follows the recent launch of OKX Crypto Cricket Cup, an interactive competition that ran from October 5 to November 5 alongside the 2023 international cricket championship. The competition saw participation from over 80,000 users and aimed to encourage eligible participants to learn about Web3, capture exclusive, cricket-themed NFTs and compete for a share of a prize pool worth over USD200,000.

As part of its expansion efforts in India, OKX's Web3 team will strengthen its connection with India's thriving developer community by organizing Web3 activations, hackathons and side events at prominent developer events during the month of December. Some of the events they will be participating in include EthSign, Polygon Connect and ETH India.

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