We're excited to announce the release of our 16th consecutive Proof of Reserves (PoR) report, highlighting a total of USD17.7 billion and an average reserve ratio of 104% in primary assets.
Our PoR report offers a detailed look at the reserve ratios of the most frequently traded assets on our platform. For the first time in January 2024, we included Bitcoin Cash (BCH) in our PoR report.
Maintaining the consistency of our previous reports, our 16th consecutive monthly PoR report reveals reserve ratios of over 100% for all of these assets, ensuring that user funds are backed on a 1:1 basis.
Our Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "As we navigate the dynamic crypto landscape, we want to make sure our dedication to transparency and ensuring the security of our users' assets continues to set us apart. Reaching the 16th iteration of our PoR report is a testament to our ongoing efforts to uphold these standards and fuels our drive to continually raise the bar."
We've integrated various updates and improvements to our PoR based on user feedback since the inception of the program. In 2023, we incorporated the Zero-Knowledge Scalable Transparent Argument of Knowledge (zk-STARK) technology into our PoR process, a technology that lets users independently verify the solvency of the exchange and ensures the backing of their assets by the reserves, with no compromise on privacy.
Users can view our latest PoR report, reserve ratios and verify our exchange's solvency here.
Digitale bezittingen, waaronder stablecoins, brengen een grote mate van risico met zich mee en kunnen sterk fluctueren. Je moet zorgvuldig overwegen of handelen of bezitten van digitale bezittingen geschikt voor je is op basis van je financiële situatie en risicotolerantie. OKX geeft geen aanbevelingen voor beleggingen of bezittingen. Je bent zelf verantwoordelijk voor je beslissingen om te beleggen en OKX is niet verantwoordelijk voor mogelijke verliezen. In het verleden behaalde resultaten bieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. Raadpleeg je juridische/fiscale/beleggingsprofessional voor vragen over je specifieke omstandigheden. OKX Web3-functies, inclusief OKX Web3-Wallet en OKX NFT-Marktplaats, zijn onderhevig aan aparte looptijdvoorwaarden op www.okx.com .
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