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Introducing Our 'Legend Reborn' Livery Co-Designed with McLaren Racing

A message from OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique

OKX-McLaren Legend Reborn Livery

Today, we joined with McLaren Racing to reinvent the MCL38 F1 car with the limited-edition Legend Reborn livery design. Legend Reborn will hit the track at this weekend's Singapore Grand Prix.

Co-designed with McLaren, Legend Reborn embodies our shared commitment to innovation and heritage. Both brands have built a strong legacy in their categories over the years and this livery celebrates this history. Legend Reborn is for the generation of fans who grew up watching the sport, seeing McLaren compete on track and experiencing the MP4 era. This is a special time for the McLaren team and therefore we felt it was fitting to bring back some of those memories from that era into this year where McLaren is competing hard for greatness yet again.

A standout feature is the names of 13 previous MP4 drivers, including the legendary Ayrton Senna, integrated into the livery. This detail symbolizes how we draw inspiration from history to fuel future achievement. The rear wing of the MCL38 prominently features the words 'Accelerating Web3,' highlighting our commitment to advancing onchain technology.

Legend Reborn also represents the spirit of innovation that we cherish as an organization. Just as McLaren has pushed the boundaries of automotive engineering for decades, we are relentlessly pursuing advancements in the onchain space.

At OKX, we started as a centralized crypto exchange but evolved into an onchain technology business shaping the future of blockchain. Like McLaren, we view ourselves as challengers, and this pushes us to perform our best to compete and win.

Yesterday we unveiled the reimagined OKX Wallet during our fireside chat with Lando Norris at Token2049. This update - featuring a revamped interface and new onchain trading features - delivers a new alternative app for the next generation to access onchain experiences. We're reinventing how billions of people explore the onchain world, much like McLaren reinvents its cars season after season.

Our journey is filled with new challenges and boundaries to push. With the Legend Reborn livery, we honor this constant reinvention, celebrate past legends and forge a new future.

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