If a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, does it make a sound?
It's the age-old philosophical thought experiment of observation and perception.
Likewise, with hundreds of thousands of dApps onchain, if you can't find the good ones, are there really that many dApps?
Today, finding dApps is like a forest. It's hard to see the wood for the trees when there are so many to choose from.
But what if opportunity could come to you?
What if there was a new way to discover opportunities onchain based on market movements such as trending or funded by venture capitalists?
What if you could find opportunities based on social trends?
What if you received dApp recommendations that matched your onchain interests?
Enter the new Intelligent dApps Discovery by OKX.

Now you can discover and filter dApps by:
Leaderboard: Top 10 dApps trending onchain, trending on X, recent top venture capitalist fundings and most notable, etc.
You may also like: Personalised recommendations of 10 dApps you might like based on your connected wallet activity.
Exclusive airdrops and NFT mints: Airdrops and NFT mints based on your previous onchain transactions are now available on your desktop (previously mobile only).
Try the new Intelligent dApps Discovery today, and let opportunity come to you.
Digitale bezittingen, waaronder stablecoins, brengen een grote mate van risico met zich mee en kunnen sterk fluctueren. Je moet zorgvuldig overwegen of handelen of bezitten van digitale bezittingen geschikt voor je is op basis van je financiële situatie en risicotolerantie. OKX geeft geen aanbevelingen voor beleggingen of bezittingen. Je bent zelf verantwoordelijk voor je beslissingen om te beleggen en OKX is niet verantwoordelijk voor mogelijke verliezen. In het verleden behaalde resultaten bieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. Raadpleeg je juridische/fiscale/beleggingsprofessional voor vragen over je specifieke omstandigheden. OKX Web3-functies, inclusief OKX Web3-Wallet en OKX NFT-Marktplaats, zijn onderhevig aan aparte looptijdvoorwaarden op www.okx.com .
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