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'DEX Token Search' now live on our Exchange app, enabling customers to discover over 10m tokens

  • New capability lets customers find information on DEX tokens directly via our Exchange app

  • We're one of the first major platforms to offer such seamless DEX token search capabilities

We've just launched a new capability that enables eligible customers* to search over 10 million DEX tokens directly within our Exchange app, driven by our vision that opportunity is unlocked through discovery.

This addition makes us one of the first major platforms to offer such seamless DEX token search capabilities via a CEX interface. Customers can now discover trending tokens on our Exchange and seamlessly connect to our Wallet's DEX aggregator to trade them. With bitcoin recently surpassing $100,000, this launch comes amid surging platform activity, with our platform seeing global daily usage increase by 57.5% and new signups jump 40% following the US presidential election on November 5.

This new addition represents a major step in breaking down barriers between centralized and decentralized finance, following our recent introduction of four distinct DEX trading modes: Easy, Meme, Advanced and Bridge.

The streamlined customer experience works simply: eligible customers search for any token in our app's search bar. Upon selecting a DEX token, new customers are guided to create a Wallet in just a few taps, while existing wallet users are taken directly to detailed trading charts. From there, customers can execute trades instantly, view token information and track their positions - all without leaving the app. The interface also highlights trending tokens and popular trades, making opportunity discovery seamless.

This announcement comes after the recent launch of 'Smart Picks,' an AI-powered feature that seeks to remove the complexity from crypto trading. This first-of-its-kind feature identifies and presents top-performing automated strategies from our most popular strategy categories and applies them to BTC, ETH and SOL.

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