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OKX Ventures Announces Strategic Investment in Web3 Gaming Company Matr1x

SINGAPORE, January 9, 2024 -- OKX Ventures, the investment arm of leading Web3 technology company OKX, today announced a strategic investment in Matr1x, a next-gen Web3 entertainment platform that engages users through high-quality, cyberpunk-themed e-sports games.

Matr1x, which has raised about USD$20 million from a range of venture capital firms, is developing Matr1x Fire, a first-person CS:GO style shooting title, as well as a 'battle-royale' mode, which allows players to work together on teams to defeat enemies and emerge from the fray victorious. Matr1x Fire will integrate classic Web3 elements, including NFTs which unlock special experiences and privileges, and will be available on mobile and desktop. The game revolves around a generations-old conflict between data cartels and a decentralized resistance.

Co-founder of Matr1x, Madeira, said: "Our goal for Matr1x is to become a leading entertainment and cultural platform promoting industry values such as data sovereignty, privacy protection and decentralization. We're thrilled to receive the strategic investment of OKX, a fast-growing, leading global exchange with broad appeal among the Web3 community. This investment will primarily be used to further develop the battle royale part of Matr1x Fire, which we expect to launch before the end of the year after the official launch of Matr1x Fire during Q1 2024.”

OKX Founder Dora Yue said: "We believe the rapid growth of Web3 adoption will be driven by dApps, including high-quality games that seamlessly integrate playability with unique Web3 features. Already, we've seen the appeal of Matr1x within the crypto community, with its first NFT drop ranking among the top trending collections after launching in December. We look forward to the launch of Matr1x Fire, which we believe will set standards in gameplay and Web3 integration as we welcome a new era of high-quality gaming experiences in 2024."

For further information, please contact: Media@okx.com

About OKX Ventures

OKX Ventures is the investment arm of global leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company OKX, with an initial capital commitment of USD100 million. It focuses on exploring the best blockchain projects on a global scale, supporting cutting-edge blockchain technology innovation, promoting the healthy development of the global blockchain industry, and investing in long-term structural value.

Through its commitment to supporting entrepreneurs who contribute to the development of the blockchain industry, OKX Ventures helps build innovative companies and brings global resources and historical experience to blockchain projects.

Find out more about OKX Ventures here.

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