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Onchain Weekly #6: 100 Chains, Blinks and Welcome to TON

Onchain Weekly 6

Onchain Weekly #6

Discover the latest product updates, stories, and innovations from the OKX Wallet team. It's been a big week. Here are four updates you don't want to miss:

  • Solana Blinks on OKX Wallet, including Swaps, NFTs, and DeFi

  • Support added for TON, now 100 blockchains supported overall

  • New Bitcoin features: Runes Sweeping and Splitting

  • From 300,000 to 500,000 tokens on our DEX Aggregator

1. Transferring assets is now as easy as sharing a link

The Solana Foundation recently announced Blinks and Actions, enabling users to transfer Solana assets via a link using their favorite platforms, such as X and Discord.

We love it.

So much so, we've already added a number of Blinks integrations to OKX Wallet, including Swaps, NFTs, and DeFi.

Pro tip: Make sure you use the OKX Wallet browser extension for this one.

And, this is just the beginning. We're working directly with the Blinks team to expand the experience and use cases. Read the thread below to learn more.

2. Support for 100 chains, TON added

This week we announced that OKX Wallet users now have the freedom to participate in almost any onchain experience across 100 blockchains — including The Open Network (TON).

Now you can:

  • See all balances across every chain in one place

  • Discover and swap more than 500,000 different cryptocurrencies

  • Swap and bridge anything-to-anything across networks in a single transaction. Learn more about cross-chain swaps here.

  • Earn onchain yield and other rewards from 100+ blockchain protocols

  • Get the best price and route when swapping tokens from 494 decentralized exchanges

This includes the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), the Bitcoin network including Segwit, Native, and Taproot, plus Solana, TON, and many, many more.

Read more about our views on the onchain, multichain future from our CMO Haider, here.

100 chains wallets comparison

3. Feature alert. Sweeping and Splitting for Runes

Here's one for all you Bitcoiners. We've added a number of user experience improvements to the process of discovering, buying, and selling Runes. These include:

  • Batch purchases (sweeping)

  • Splitting

  • Proactive warnings for large UTXO

  • Accurate transaction cost estimations

  • Open for trading API access

4. 500,000 tokens now available on our DEX Aggregator

If it's onchain and passes our security criteria, there's a good chance it's on OKX. We've almost doubled the number of tokens available to discover and swap on our DEX Aggregator from 300,000 to 500,000.

Until next time,

The OKX Wallet Team

Onchain, any chain.

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