SPACE INVADERS: Club 1 against background 3 (simple) #1

Evil doesn’t exist in the abstract—it thrives in what we admire. In Space Invaders, I explore how power adapts, how history camouflages itself, and how cultural capital makes monsters indistinguishable from icons. These figures don’t inspire fear; they invite aspiration. They exist in spaces of celebration, achievement, and status. They are untouchable, beloved, envied—adorned with the signifiers of wealth and virtue. And yet, they all share the same face—a composite of history’s most brutal figures. It is a reminder that influence and atrocity often sit at the same table. The backdrops—digital reconstructions of opulent wallpaper—reference legacy, wealth, and control, framing power as something beautiful, curated, and acceptable. This collection does not offer a judgment, only a mirror. Evil doesn’t exist in the abstract—it thrives in the mundane. —Maximilian "Max" Factor

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